- Fatigue life prediction of AM lattices based on image-based FCM and average strain energy density dataset. 2024, (other entry) more…
- Gan Enables Outlier Detection and Property Monitoring for Additive Manufacturing of Complex Structures. 2023 more…
- Isogeometric multi-resolution full waveform inversion based on the finite cell method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023, 116286 more…
- Two-scale analysis and design of spaceframes with complex additive manufactured nodes. Engineering Structures 289, 2023 more…
- Immersed boundary parametrizations for full waveform inversion. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (406), 2023, 115893 more…
- Performance of acceleration techniques for staggered phase-field solutions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 410, 2023, 116029 more…
- The Finite Cell Method for Simulation of Additive Manufacturing. In: Non-Standard Discretisation Methods in Solid Mechanics. Springer International Publishing, 2022, 355--375 more…
- Space-time hp-finite elements for heat evolution in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Engineering with Computers, 2022 more…
- The Finite Cell Method with Least Squares Stabilized Nitsche Boundary Conditions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 393 (8), 2022, x-x more…
- Predicting Fracture in the Proximal Humerus using Phase Field Models. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2022, 105415 more…
- Point cloud-based elastic reverse time migration for ultrasonic imaging of components with vertical surfaces. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 163 (1/2022), 2022, 108144 more…
- An accurate strategy for computing reaction forces and fluxes on trimmed locally-refined meshes. Journal of Mechanics 38, 2022, 60-76 more…
- Efficient multi-level hp-finite elements in arbitrary dimensions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 401, 2022, 115575 more…
- Thermal Optimization of Additively Manufactured Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Internal Cellular Structure through Simulations and Measurements. Buildings 12 (7), 2022, 1023 more…
- Quantitative reconstruction of defects in multi-layered bonded composites using fully convolutional network-based ultrasonic inversion. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 117418 more…
- Space-time hp-finite elements for heat evolution in laser powder bed fusion. GIMC-SIMAI YOUNG 2022, 2022 more…
- Numerical evaluation of high cycle fatigue life for additively manufactured stainless steel 316L lattice structures. Material Design and Processing Communication 3 (4), 2021, e249 more…
- Hierarchical multigrid approaches for the finite cell method on uniform and multi-level hp-refined grids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 386, 2021, 114075 more…
- Bending behavior of octet-truss lattice structures: modelling options, numerical characterization and experimental validation. Materials & Design, 2021 more…
- Multiscale analysis of high damping composites using the finite cell and the mortar method. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2021 more…
- Uncertainty quantification of microstructure variability and mechanical behaviour of additively manufactured lattice structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 385 (1), 2021, 114049 more…
- Image-based numerical characterization and experimental validation of tensile behavior of octet-truss lattice structures. Additive Manufacturing 41, 2021, 101949 more…
- An immersed boundary approach for residual stress evaluation in selective laser melting processes. Additive Manufacturing 46 (46), 2021, 102077 more…
- Deep Learning in Computational Mechanics – An Introductory Course. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer (1. edn.), 2021 more…
- Efficient Simulation of Crack Propagation in Complex Geometries using a Phase-Field Model and the Finite Cell Method. 10th International Conference on Adaptative Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS), 2021 more…
- Space-time continuous Galerkin-Petrov hp-finite elements. World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2021 more…
- Space-Time hp-Finite Elements for Nonlinear Heat Problems. III International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing, 2021 more…
- Space-Time Continuous Galerkin hp-Finite Elements for Nonlinear Heat Problems. U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2021 more…
- Modeling composite microstructures for vibration analysis using the finite cell and mortar method. World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM), 2021 more…
- Additive Fertigung im Bauwesen: Neue Herausforderungen für numerische Simulationsmethoden. CU Bau – 4. Thementag der AG „Automatisierte Fertigung im Bauwesen inklusiv Serielles Bauen“, 2021 more…
- Efficient extraction of hierarchical B-Splines for local refinement and coarsening of Isogeometric Analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 367 (0045-7825), 2020, 11313-11313 more…
- Application of common-path speckle interferometer with unlimited minimal shearing amount to characterization of irregularly shaped notch. NDT and E International 116, 2020, 102326 more…
- Elastic least-squares reverse-time migration with density variation for flaw imaging in heterogeneous structures. Smart Materials and Structures 29 (3), 2020, 035017 more…
- A selection of benchmark problems in solid mechanics and applied mathematics. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (28), 2020, 713-715 more…
- Numerical evaluation of advanced laser control strategies. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation - (10), 2020, - more…
- Image-based material characterization of complex microarchitectured additively manufactured structures. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2020 more…
- Efficient Simulation of Crack Propagation in Complex Geometries Using a Phase-Field Model and the Finite Cell Method. World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM), 2020 more…
- Hierarchically refined isogeometric analysis of trimmed shells. Computational Mechanics, 2020, 431-447 more…
- Modeling and experimental validation of an immersed thermo-mechanical part-scale analysis for laser powder bed fusion processes. Additive Manufacturing, 2020, x-x more…
- Finite Cell Method for functionally graded materials based on V-models and homogenized microstructures. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences - (7), 2020, 49 more…
- A 3D benchmark problem for crack propagation in brittle fracture. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Volume 364), 2020, 112905 more…
- The Finite Cell Method: towards engineering applications. , Ed.: Technische Universität München, 2019, more…
- Collaborative Multi-Scale 3D City and Infrastructure Modeling and Simulation. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-4/W4, 2017, 341-352 more…
- A Rule-based Collaborative Modelling System for Infrastructure Design. Proc. of the 22th EG-ICE International Workshop, 2015 more…
- Synchronous collaborative tunnel design based on consistency-preserving multi-scale models. Advanced Engineering Informatics 28 (4), 2014, 499-517 more…
- Towards 3D Geoinformatics and Computational Civil Engineering Support for Cooperative Track Planning. FIG Working Week, 2012 more…
- A Collaborative Multi-Scale Planning Platform: Concept and Implementation Approach. Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2012 more…
- Towards Computer-Aided Collaborative Subway Track Planning in Multi-Scale 3D City and Building Models. Proc. of the 6th International ISPRS Conference on 3D Geoinformation, 2011 more…
- Bidirectional Coupling of Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches for Pedestrian Behavior Prediction. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer, 2011, 459-470 more…
- Integration of geotechnical design and analysis processes using a parametric and 3D-model based approach. Proc. of the ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, 2011 more…
- Using Product Data Management Systems for Civil Engineering Projects – Potentials and Obstacles. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 25 (6), 2011, 430-441 more…
- Mathematical Modeling of Earthwork Optimization Problems. Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE-XIII), 2010 more…
- Using Ant Colony Optimization for Infrastructure Maintenance Scheduling. Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM), 2010 more…
- Evaluierung einer 3D-Modell-basierten Ablaufsimulation von Erdbauprozessen in der Praxis. Tagungsband der 14. ASIM Fachtagung Simulation in Produktion und Logistik, 2010 more…
- A Product Lifecycle Management Approach for Civil Engineering Projects. Proc. of the 27th CIB-W78 Conference, 2010 more…
- Bidirectional Coupling of Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches for Pedestrian Behavior Prediction. Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, 2010 more…
- Bridge Construction Schedule Generation with Pattern-based Construction Models and Constraint-based Simulation. Advanced Engineering Informatics 24 (4), 2010, 379-388 more…
- Beton – Nachhaltiges Bauen im Lebenszyklus. Bauingenieur 8, 2009, 304-312 more…
- Using Product Data Management Systems for Civil Engineering Projects – Potentials and Obstacles. Proc. of the 2009 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, 2009 more…
- ForBAU - The virtual construction site project. Proc. of the 26th CIB-W78 Conference on Managing IT in Construction, 2009 more…
- Spatial constraints in collaborative design processes. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (ICE'09), 2009 more…
- Developing a Life-Cycle Management System for Reinforced Concrete Buildings based on Fully-Probabilistic Deterioration Models. Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 2009 more…
- GroundXML - An addition of alignement and subsoil specific cross-sectional data to the LandXML scheme. Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 2009 more…
- A Pattern-Based Approach for Facilitating Schedule Generation and Cost Analysis in Bridge Construction Projects. Proc. of the 26th CIB-W78 Conference on Managing IT in Construction, 2009 more…
- An Integrated 3D Simulation Framework for Earthwork Processes. Proc. of the 24th CIB-W78 Conference on Managing IT in Construction, 2009 more…
- Specification and implementation of directional operators in a 3D spatial query language for building information models. Advanced Engineering Informatics 23 (1), 2009, 32-44 more…
- Topological analysis of 3D building models using a spatial query language. Advanced Engineering Informatics 23 (4), 2009, 370-385 more…
- Implementing Metric Operators of a Spatial Query Language for 3D Building Models: Octree and B-Rep Approaches. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 23 (1), 2009, 34-46 more…
- Query Support for BIMs Using Semantic and Spatial Conditions. In: Handbook of Research on Building Information Modeling and Construction Informatics: Concepts and Technologies. IGI Global, 2009, 405-450 more…
- Virtual Engineering: Informations-, Simulations- und Kooperationsmodelle für den ingenieurgerechten Entwurfsprozess. In: Jahrbuch 2007 der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. J. Cramer Verlag, 2008, 129-139 more…
- Topological operators in a 3D Spatial Query Language for Building Information Models. Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE-XII), 2008 more…
- Collaborative Computational Steering: Interactive collaborative design of ventilation and illumination of operating theatres. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (ICE'08), 2008 more…
- 3D Building Model-Based Life-Cycle Management of Reinforced Concrete Bridges. Proc. of the 7th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, 2008 more…
- An iterative, octree-based algorithm for distance computation between polyhedra with complex surfaces. Proc. of the Int. ASCE Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, 2007 more…
- Utilizing high performance supercomputing facilities for interactive thermal comfort assessment. Proc. of 10th International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) Conference, 2007 more…
- ComfSim - Interaktive Simulation des thermischen Komforts in Innenräumen auf Höchstleistungsrechnern. Bauphysik 29 (1), 2007, 2-7 more…
- Computational steering on distributed systems: Indoor comfort simulations as a case study of interactive CFD on supercomputers. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 22 (4), 2007, 275-291 more…
- An interactive fluid simulator for the design of HVAC systems. Proc. of the Int. ASCE Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, 2007 more…
- An octree-based implementation of directional operators in a 3D Spatial Query Language for Building Information Models. Proc. of 24th CIB-W78 Conference on Information Technology in Construction, 2007 more…
- Towards Interactive Indoor Thermal Comfort Simulation. Proc. of the European Conf. on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD 2006), 2006 more…
- Towards a 3D Spatial Query Language for Building Information Models. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE-XI), 2006 more…
- Collaborative Computational Steering: Principles and Application in HVAC Layout. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 13 (4), 2006, 361-376 more…
- Collaborative and Interactive CFD Simulation using High Performance Computers. Proc of the 18th Symposium AG Simulation (ASIM) and EuroSim, 2005 more…
- From Adaptivity to Computational Steering: The long way of integrating numerical simulation into engineering design processes. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS), 2005 more…
- Collaborative HVAC design using interactive fluid simulations: A geometry-focused collaboration platform. Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Concurrent Engineering, 2005 more…
Additive Manufacturing - Process Simulation
Team Members: Davide D'Angella Stefan Kollmannsberger Ernst Rank
Funding: German Priority Programme 1748 (DFG SPP 1748)
Running period: 10.2014 - 09.2020
Project description
Additive Manufacturing, also called 3D printing, is a general term for the production of artifacts by successively adding material in a layerwise fashion. There are numerous processes such as fused deposition modelling, stereolithography and laser power bed fusion. We focus on modelling the process of laser power bed fusion. In this process, a highly focused laser selectively melts powder. Thereby the local state of the material changes from powder to liquid to solid. Once one layer of powder has been treated selectively, a new layer of powder is added. The process is repeated until the final artifact emerges. An example of the process and selected artifacts is given below

A showcase product and an enginnering application: a heat exchanger

These pictures were taken at our cooperation partner the Institute of Photonic Technologies
We are working on the simulation of the processes and products generated by additive manufacturing. Aspects of the simulation of products of additive manufacturing are discussed here. For the simulation of the process we use a set of coupled differential equations describing the transient thermo-elasto-plastic process. For the discretization we developed a special variant of the finite cell method [1]. Herein we embed the physical domain into a fictitious domain. We track the evolution of the fictitious domain as well as its state (powder, liquid or solid) in time and space using fast octree-like discretizations. The diffusive temperature field is computed in the sense of the finite cell method on a separate grid equipped with high-order finite elements. This grid refines adaptively towards the impact zone of the laser beam and de-refines in regions where the heat has already dissipated.

Example computation:

We are also working on the computation of residual stresses which are inherent to this process. This computational analysis forms the basis for the optimization of the process on the scale of the melt pool as well as on the macroscopic scale.
Organized Conferences
We have organized the first ECCOMAS conference on the Simulation for Additive Manufacturing in 2017 @TUM and we have been heavily involved in the follow up ECCOMAS conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing 2019 in Pavia, Italy.