Dr.-Ing. Florentin Hofmeister


  • 2023 | Promotion (Dr.-Ing.) am Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie und Flussgebietsmanagement, TU München | München 
  • Since 2019 | PhD Candidate at the Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management of the Technical University of Munich
  • 10/2014 - 10/2017 | Master's Program Environmental Systems and Sustainability - Monitoring, Modelling and Management at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich | Master thesis: The dynamic of hydrological extreme events under climate change - A case study in the Itz catchment
  • 10/2010 - 09/2014 | Bachelor studies of Physical Geography with a minor in Politics and Sociology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich | Bachelor thesis: Multitemporal analysis of land use change in parts of Rumania after the fall of the Iron Curtain with remote-sensing data

Professional experience

  • Since 2019 | Research Associate at the Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management at the TU Munich | Project: SEHAG - Sensitivity of high Alpine geosystems to climate change since 1850
  • 11/2017 - 12/2018 | Research Associate at the University of Innsbruck in the research group Alpine HydroClimatology


  • Ramskogler, K., Knoflach, B., Elsner, B., Erschbamer, B., Haas, F., Heckmann, T., Hofmeister, F., Piermattei, L., Ressl, C., Trautmann, S., Wimmer, M. H., Geitner, C., Stötter, J., and Tasser, E.: Primary succession and its driving variables – a holistic approach applied in three proglacial areas in the upper Martell Valley (Eastern Italian Alps), Biogeosciences Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2022-248, in review, (2023).

  • Florentin Hofmeister, Floriana Graziano, Giorgia Marcolini, Winfried Willems, Markus Disse & Gabriele Chiogna (2023) Quality assessment of hydrometeorological observational data and their influence on hydrological model results in Alpine catchments, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 68:4, 552-571, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2023.2172335

  • Rom, J.; Haas, F.; Hofmeister, F.; Fleischer, F.; Altmann, M.; Pfeiffer, M.; Heckmann, T.; Becht, M. Analysing the Large-Scale Debris Flow Event in July 2022 in Horlachtal, Austria Using Remote Sensing and Measurement Data. Geosciences 202313, 100. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences13040100 

  • F. Hofmeister, L.F. Arias-Rodriguez, V. Premier, C. Marin, C. Notarnicola, M. Disse, G. Chiogna, Intercomparison of Sentinel-2 and modelled snow cover maps in a high-elevation Alpine catchment, Journal of Hydrology X (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydroa.2022.100123