Design of Metal Structures

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration2 SWS
TermSommersemester 2020
Language of instructionGerman
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information


Students understand the common joining techniques of steel structures, such as welding, and the connection of members with bolts and, derived from that, the typical standard joints including their use. They are able to apply these techniques in the design of connection details and structural analyses based on the current standardization. In addition, they are able to apply the simplified flow zone theory on bending problems in connection plates. After participating in the events module, students will be able to independently analyze static systems of connections and the stress flow of all components. They can design details of different, especially individual connection types of structural steelwork according to static, manufacturing, assembling, and economical criteria, and perform any necessary structural analyzes related to this purpose.


- Introduction to the Learning Workshop (seminars), team building - Connections: Introduction and Overview - Screws, rivets, bolts - welding - T-stub model - Rib lots of force - Connections (support / support, carrier / carrier, shocks, frame corners) - Support feet - Illustration of the power flow by means of FEM - Comparison of constructions - Systems of indoor and building construction - Corrosion protection


Modules: Engineering Mechanics 1 with the contents: - forces and moments, center of gravity, - Balance and cutting principle, support reactions - Engineering Mechanics 2 with the contents: - Technical bending theory, - Euler-Bernoulli beams, bending, shear, torsion Static basic course and advanced course, Metal basic course and advanced course

Teaching and learning methods

A part of the course is a classical lecture with ongoing support through a PowerPoint presentation on the scientific principles which is taught in individual input packets. The second part consists of a so-called learning workshop (= associated seminar), where students work in small groups of 3-4 people on individual topics to specific questions and answer them. Reference is made to the literature and extracts from it partly provided. The tasks in the form of individual items treat the entire learning outcomes of the course and make corrections on a collection of sample solution examples with feedback. During the training workshop, the groups will be individually coached by the professor and an assistant teacher who is experienced in practice. This approach is designed to promote the independence of students, teamwork skills and dealing with engineering-conventional sources. It also enables a targeted individual support for students. Participation in the study workshop is strongly recommended, but not mandatory.


The Examination will consist of a 45-minute exam. Part A (10 min) examines fundamental knowledge in designing and transfer tasks, where elementary solutions must be found. Part A examines elementary "knowledge" and basic methodological skills which must be assumed to be a prerequisite to professional success in constructing metal connector designs. Thus, no supporting material is permitted. Part B (35 min) examines the expertise in design of steel connections and analyses tasks on the basis of the learned theoretical and normative contents of the lecture and discussed in the “learning workshop” with support (standards, literature and custom materials).

Recommended literature

Mensinger, Martin: Skript Konstruieren mit Metall Petersen, Christian: Stahlbau Hünersen, Gottfried: Stahlbau in Beispielen Kahlmeyer, Eduard: Stahlbau nach DIN 18800 Kuhlmann, Ulrike: Stahlbau-Kalender/2006 Krüger, Ulrich: Stahlbau/1 Krüger, Ulrich: Stahlbau/2 Dubas, Pierre: Stahlhochbau Uth, Hans-Joachim: Typisierte biegesteife Rahmenecken Kindmann, Rolf: Stahl- und Verbundkonstruktionen


Design of Metal Structures Seminar

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration2 SWS
TermSommersemester 2020
Language of instructionGerman
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information
