Sustainable Energies, Entrepreneurship and Development in rural Kashmir

This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK, 2022-2025) under the International Climate Initiative (IKI) Programme.
The livelihood of the rural population in Jammu and Kashmir is particularly threatened by climate change due to the negative impact of varied rainfall patterns and more frequent extreme weather events on local agriculture in combination with unreliable energy supply. This leads to economic stress, poverty, and limited employment opportunities, in particular for the youth.
SEED Himalaya aims to support the remote Himalayan community of Jabri in its transformation into an environmentally resilient and economically empowered community. This is to be achieved through community-based, decentralized energy supply as well as local value creation in agriculture. The inclusive bottomup development plan, covering both green infrastructure as well as socioeconomic structures, is tailored to the local resources, capacities, and needs. This ensures the sustainability of the project and enables the replication of its approach in other Himalayan communities.
Now that all 140 households have been equipped with PV modules and battery storage for basic power supply, the local value chain for agricultural products and the advanced mini-grid required for this, including a do-it-yourself water wheel, are being planned in collaboration with our Indian project partners and community members.