History of the Chair


The Polytechnical School (later Technische Universitaet) in Munich is founded by King Ludwig II of Bavaria.

The subject of Hydraulic Engineering is taught by Professor Wilhelm Frauenholz, who also lectures on Construction Theory. Special lectures on the Theoretical Basis of Hydraulic Engineering are given by Privatdozent (Lecturer) Otto Decher from 1876-81 and by Privatdozent Albert Frank from 1881-93.


Encouraged by Frauenholz Decher and Frank established an experimental setup for the calibration purposes of hydrotechnical instruments in a public bath in Munich.


Franz Kreuter is offered the chair Hydraulic Engineering and Structural Design as successor to Professor Frauenholz. He is also awarded two honorary doctorates. Kreuter is responsible for the entire field of water sciences until 1917.


Kaspar Dantscher becomes Professor of Hydraulic Engineering. In 1928 he is awarded the degree Dr.-Ing. h.c. He initiates the planning of a hydraulic laboratory for civil engineers. Dantscher holds the professorship for Hydraulic Engineering until his death in 1944.


The construction of the so-called Bestelmeyer-Building including a hydraulics laboratory in the basement begins. Although the building is completed in 1927 the laboratory does not go into operation until 1930.


The lectures in Hydraulics are temporarily held by Privatdozent Dr.-Ing. Otto Streck.


Dr.-Ing. Otto Streck is offered the newly founded chair of Hydraulic Engineering II which covers the fields Hydraulics, Hydrology and Water Resources Research. At the same time he becomes head of the laboratory and of the Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering. In 1945 Streck is suspended from office.


Dr.-Ing. Karl Flierl succeeds Professor Dantscher who died in 1944 during an air raid. He also lectures in Hydraulics and is in charge of the laboratory.


Dr.-Ing. Fritz Hartung follows Professor Flierl. Privatdozent Dr.-Ing. Paul-Gerhard Franke lectures in the fields of Hydraulics and Hydrology.


Dr.-Ing. Paul-Gerhard Franke is offered the newly created chair of Hydraulics and Hydrology. He is entitled to utilise the laboratory's facilities together with the other institutions.


The laboratory is renamed Institute of Hydraulics and Hydrology and is incorporated into the chair of the same name. Advanced studies are introduced for students of Civil Engineering and a master thesis is made compulsory. One of the special courses is on Hydraulics and Hydrology.


The Institute´s size is enlarged by a neighbouring site to its current area of approximately 1000 m2 .


Chairs and Laboratories of Hydraulics and Hydrology and of Sanitary Engineering are combined to form the Institute of Civil Engineering V. In the same year a special research programme (Flow in Conduits) chaired by Professor Dr.-Ing. Franke is launched in which various university and governmental institutions take part. The programme terminates in 1987. The chair of Hydraulics and Hydrology is responsible for five subprojects.


Further space is added to the laboratory which is used as workshops, storage rooms and a staff recreation area.


Professor Dr.-Ing. Franz Valentin follows Professor Dr.-Ing. Franke as Head of the Institute.


Chairs and Laboratories of Hydraulics and Hydrology, of Hydraulic Engineering, Water Resources Research and of Sanitary Engineering form the new Institute of Water Sciences.


The Chair is renamed as Lehrstuhl und Laboratorium fuer Hydraulik und Gewaesserkunde.


In the course of structural reforms at the Technical University of Munich the chair changes its name from "Lehrstuhl und Laboratorium für Hydraulik und Gewässerkunde" to "Fachgebiet Hydromechanik mit angeschlossenem Laboratorium". Successor of the Ordinarius Professor Valentin as new head of the chair is Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Manhart.