Research Projects at the Chair

This site contains current research projects. The complex results are available via the publications and reports.

Topic: Coupling of turbulent and porous media flow
Sponsor: DFG
Person in Charge: Yoshiyuki Sakai
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Topic: Experimental investigation of the turbulent flow over periodic hills
Sponsor: DFG
Person in Charge: Daniel Quosdorf
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Topic: Secondary flow in partially filled pipes
Person in Charge: Julian Brosda
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Topic: Flow in porous media
Sponsor: DFG
Person in Charge: Yoshiyuki Sakai
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Topic: Coupling of numerical river hydraulics and GIS
Sponsor: International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE)
Person in Charge: Hao Zeng
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Topic: Mass transfer at interfaces to nonaqueous phases
Sponsor: International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE)
Person in Charge: Tianshi Sun
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Topic: LES and experimental investigation of the local scour process at a cylindrical pier
Sponsor: DFG
Person in Charge: Wolfgang Schanderl (numerics), Ulrich Schuster (experiments)
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Topics: Single pixel-PIV method for measuring three-dimensional velocity fields
Person in Charge: Claudia Strobl