Topics for thesis at the Chair of Hydromechanics

On this page you can find a selection of general topics for Study Projects, Bachelor or Master thesis. As long as your study regulations do not define anything else, most of the thesis can be written in both German and English language.

If you are interested, please contact the responsible supervisor. She or he will tell you, which topics are available topics at the moment.


General topic


Type of thesis

Experimental investigations Daniel Quosdorf Bachelor-/Masterthesis, Study project
Development of measurement technology for LDA and PIV Daniel Quosdorf Bachelor-/Masterthesis, Study project

Numerical simulation using MGLET
Evaluation of flow simulations

  • flow with point particles
  • periodic hill
  • flow through and above porous media
  • secondary flow
  • wall-mounted cylinder / cylinder in a scour hole
  • compound-channel flow

Michael Manhart

Yoshiyuki Sakai

Simon von Wenczowski

Philip Ott
Bachelor-/Masterthesis, Study project
Software development
  • GPU optimisation
  • volume-of-fluid method
  • fourth order finite volume method
  • visualisation methods
  • conditional averaging

Yoshiyuki Sakai

Simon von Wenczowski

Masterthesis Study Project Software lab BGCE "Honours" Project  
Other topics
  • atmospheric flow
  • numerical methods
  • stability analysis
  • wall modelling for LES
Michael Manhart  
Cooperations with external partners Michael Manhart  


Posted topics