Paper (peer-reviewed)

Draebing, D. & Krautblatter, M. (2019): The Efficacy of Frost Weathering Processes in Alpine Rockwalls. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 6516-6524. 2019GL081981

McColl, S.T., Draebing, D. (2019): Rockslope instability in the proglacial zone: State of the Art. In: Heckmann, T. & D. Morche (Eds.): Geomorphology of proglacial systems – Landform and sediment dynamics in recently deglaciated alpine landscapes. Springer Series. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-94184-4_8

Eichel, J., Draebing, D., Meyer, N. (2018): From active to stable: Paraglacial transition of alpine lateral moraine slopes. Land Degradation and Development 29(11)4158-4172. doi: 10.1002/ldr.3140 [Full Text]

Draebing, D., Eichel, J. (2018): Divergence, convergence and path-dependency of paraglacial adjustment of alpine lateral moraine slopes. Land Degradation and Development. [Full Text]

Draebing, D., Krautblatter, M. and T. Hoffmann (2017): Thermo-cryogenic controls of fracture kinematics in permafrost rockwalls. Geophysical Research Letters 44(8): 3535-3544. [Full Text]

Eichel, J., Draebing, D., Klingbeil, L., Wieland, M., Eling, C., Schmidtlein, S., Kuhlmann, H. and R. Dikau (2017): Solifluction meets vegetation: the role of biogeomorphic feedbacks for turf-banked solifluction lobe development. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42(11): 1623-1635. [Full Text]

Draebing, D. and J. Eichel (2017): Spatial controls of turf-banked solifluction lobes and their role for paraglacial adjustment in glacier forelands. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 28(2): 446-459. [Full Text]

Draebing, D., Haberkorn, A., Krautblatter, M., Kenner, R.and M. Phillips (2017): Thermal and mechanical responses resulting from spatial and temporal snow cover variability in permafrost rock slopes. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 28 (1):140-157. [Full Text]

Draebing, D. (2016):  Application of Refraction Seismics in Permafrost Studies: A review. Earth Science Reviews 155: 136-152.

Phillips, M., Haberkorn, A., Draebing, D., Krautblatter, M., Rhyner, H. and R. Kenner (2016): Seasonally intermittent water flow through fractures in a rock ridge: Gemsstock, central Swiss Alps. Cold Regions Science and Technology 125: 117-127.

Draebing, D., Krautblatter, M. and R. Dikau (2014): Interaction of thermal and mechanical processes in steep permafrost rock walls: a conceptual approach. Geomorphology 266: 226-235.

Krautblatter, M. and D. Draebing (2014): Pseudo 3D – P-wave refraction seismic monitoring of permafrost in steep unstable bedrock. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface 119 (2): 287-299. [Full Text]

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2012): P-wave velocity changes in freezing hard low-porosity rocks: a laboratory-based time-average model. The Cryosphere 6: 1163-1174. doi 10.5194/tc-6-1163-2012 (5.516, 6/175).



Draebing, D. (2015): Influences of Snow Cover on Thermal and Mechanical Processes in steep Permafrost Rock Walls. PhD Thesis. University of Bonn. 

Draebing, D. (2009): Veränderungen des Auftauverhaltens von Felspermafrost im Steintälli, Turtmanntal, Schweiz. Diploma Thesis. University of Bonn.


Conference Proceedings

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2012): The Influence of Ice-Pressure on P-Wave Velocity in Alpine Low-Porosity Rocks: A Modified Time-Average Model. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, Salekhard, 25.06.-29.06.2012, Volume 4/1 Extended Abstracts: 126-127.

Krautblatter, M., Moser, M., Kemna, A., Verleysdonk, S., Funk, D. and D. Draebing (2010): Climate change and enhanced rockfall in the European Alps. Schriftenreihe der Deut. Ges. für Geowissenschaften (68) zu GeoDarmstadt 2010: 331-332.


Draebing, D. (accepted): The application of refraction seismics in alpine permafrost studies. Geophysical Research Abstracts 19. EGU General Assembly 2017-7430.

Draebing, D. (2017): Thermo-cryogenic processes as paraglacial adjustment of permafrost rockwalls. 17th Biennial ANZGG Conference, Greytown, New Zealand, 06.-10.02.2017.

Draebing, D. (2016): Permafrost rockwall stability: Influencing factors and their seasonal dynamics. Invited Talk. Colloquium on Geomorphology of the University of Salzburg, Salzburg, 15.12.2016.

Draebing, D. (2016): Influences of Snow Cover on Thermal and Mechanical Processes in steep Permafrost Rock Walls. Geoscience Seminar of the Technical University of Munich, Munich, 12.12.2016.

Draebing, D., Haberkorn, A., Krautblatter, M., Kenner, R. and M. Phillips (2016): Spatial and temporal snow cover variability and resulting thermal and mechanical response in a steep permafrost rock wall. Eleventh International Conference on Permafrost, Potsdam, Germany, 20.-24.06.2016.

Eichel, J., Draebing, D., Eling, C., Klingbeil, L., Wieland, M., Schmidtlein, S., Kuhlmann, H. and R. Dikau (2016): Bridging periglacial geomorphology and ecology: a conceptual model of turf-banked solifluction lobe development. Eleventh International Conference on Permafrost, Potsdam, Germany, 20.-24.06.2016.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2015): Quantification of thermal and mechanical processes and their implications on rock stability in the Steintaelli. 9th international I.A.G. working group SEDIBUD workshop on “Sediment Dynamics in Cold Climate Environments”, Kaunertal, Austria, 07.09.-10.09.2015. Draebing,

D., Krautblatter, M. and T. Hoffmann (2015): Identification of thermo- and ice-mechanical stresses and their occurrence conditions in a steep permafrost rockwall. Geophysical Research Abstracts 17. EGU General Assembly 2015 – 828.

Eichel, J., Draebing, D., Eling, C., Klingbeil, L., Wieland, M. and R. Dikau (2015): Feedbacks between vegetation and solifluction processes on hillslopes: a case study of an alpine turf-banked solifluction lobe. Geophysical Research Abstracts 17. EGU General Assembly 2015 – 1738.

Draebing, D., Krautblatter, M. and T. Hoffmann (2014): Seasonal dynamics of fracture movements in permafrost rockwalls. 7th Meeting of the German/Austrian/Swiss Working Group on Permafrost in Herrsching, Germany, 24.10.-26. 10.2014.

Messenzehl, K., Hoffmann, T. and D. Draebing (2014): The spatial variablity of rockfalls on permafrost rockwalls – Statistical and rock mechanical investigations on multiple spatial scales, Turtmann Valley (Swiss Alps). 7th Meeting of the German/Austrian/Swiss Working Group on Permafrost in Herrsching, Germany, 24.10.-26. 10.2014.

Eichel, J., Draebing, D., Wieland, M., Eling, C. and L. Klingbeil (2014): Interaction of vegetation and solifluction: case study of a solifluction lobe in Turtmann glacier forefield (Switzerland) – Preliminary results. 7th Meeting of the German/Austrian/Swiss Working Group on Permafrost in Herrsching, Germany, 24.10.-26. 10.2014.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2014): The Influence of Snow Cover on thermal and mechanical processes in steep permafrost rockwalls – examples of internal response from the Swiss Alps. 4th European Conference on Permafrost, Abstract, Évora, Portugal, 18.06.-21.06.2014.

Krautblatter, M., Phillips, M., Draebing, D. and A. Haberkorn (2014): Influences of Snow Cover on thermal and mechanical processes in steep permafrost rock walls: external forcing and internal response. 4th European Conference on Permafrost, Abstract, Évora, Portugal, 18.06.-21.06.2014.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2014): Influences of Snow Cover on thermal and mechanical processes in a permafrost-affected rock wall at Steintaelli, Valais, Switzerland. Geophysical Research Abstracts 16. EGU General Assembly 2014 – 451.

Draebing, D., Krautblatter, M. and R. Dikau (2013): Interaction of thermal and mechanical processes in steep permafrost rockwalls: a conceptional approach with examples of active-layer thawing behaviour in 2012 and 2013. 6th Meeting of the German/Austrian/Swiss Working Group on Permafrost in Salzburg, Austria, 24.10.-26.10.2013.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2013): Influences of Snow Cover on Permafrost in unstable Rock Walls. 8th International Conference on Geomorphology, Abstract, Paris, 27.08.-31.08.2013.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2013): Refraction Seismics in unstable Permafrost Rocks. Geophysical Research Abstracts 15. EGU General Assembly 2013 – 616.(Replacement Talk for Gogeneni et al. in Cr2.4 Applied Geophysics in Cryosphere Sciences).

Krautblatter, M., Draebing, D., Funk, D. and A. Kemna (2012): Quantitative geophysics in permafrost rock walls and their explanatory power for geomechanics. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco 03.12.-07.12.2012.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2012): Interaction of snow and permafrost: first results from the ISPR project with examples from the Steintaelli/Matter Valley. 5th Meeting of the German/Austrian/Swiss Working Group on Permafrost in Potsdam, Germany, 15.11.-17.11.2012.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2012): The Influence of Ice-Pressure on P-Wave Velocity in Alpine Low-Porosity Rocks: A Modified Time-Average Model. Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, Salekhard, Russia, 25.06. -29.06.2012.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2012): Dangerous Mountains: Why permafrost rockwalls become unstable with examples from the ISPR project. University Day at University of Bonn, Germany, 01.03.2012.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2011): The use of p-wave refraction seismic to detect and monitor permafrost rockwalls with examples from the Steintaelli, Matter Valley. 4th Meeting of the German/Austrian/Swiss Working Group on Permafrost in Rolandswerth, Germany, 31.10.-02.11.2011.

Krautblatter, M., Kemna, A. and D. Draebing (2011): Geophysical methods for the analysis and monitoring of unstable permafrost rocks. Interdisciplinary Rockfall Workshop 2011 – Innsbruck-Igls.

Draebing, D. (2009): Alteration of active-layer behaviour of rock permafrost in the Steintaelli, Turtmann Valley, Switzerland. 3rd Meeting of the Young German Geomorphologists in Herrischried, 04.04.2009.


Draebing, D. and J. Eichel (2016): Controlling factors of turf-banked solifluction lobe evolution in the Turtmann glacier forefield (Switzerland). Geophysical Research Abstracts 18. EGU General Assembly 2016 – 479.

Eichel, J., Meyer, N., Draebing, D., Schmidtlein, S. and R. Dikau (2016): Controls on small-scale biogeomorphic interactions on lateral moraine slopes and their linkage to large-scale geomorphic and vegetation patterns. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18. EGU General Assembly 2016 – 1860.

Messenzehl, K. and D. Draebing (2015): Multidisciplinary investigations on coupled rockwall-talus-systems (Turtmann valley, Swiss Alps). Geophysical Research Abstracts 17. EGU General Assembly 2015 – 1935.

Krautblatter, M., Draebing, D. and A. Kemna (2014): Quantitative geophysics in permafrost rock walls and their explanatory power for geomechanics. 4th European Conference on Permafrost, Abstract, Évora, Portugal, 18.06.-21.06.2014.

Messenzehl, K., Draebing, D. and R. Dikau (2014): Identification of critical factors for the instability of permafrost-affected rockwalls in the Turtmann valley (Swiss Alps). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts 16. EGU General Assembly 2014 – 410.

Halla, C., Krautblatter, M. and D. Draebing (2014): The interplay of predefined rock mechanics and permafrost forcing in a steep alpine rock crest (Steintaelli, Mattertal, Switzerland). Geophysical Research Abstracts 16. EGU General Assembly 2014 – 5158.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2013): Refraction Seismics in unstable Permafrost Rocks.  Geophysical Research Abstracts 15. EGU General Assembly 2013 – 616.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2012): The influence of ice-pressure on p-wave velocity in alpine low-porosity rocks: a modified time-average model. Geophysical Research Abstracts 14. EGU General Assembly 2012 – 317.

Draebing, D. and M. Krautblatter (2011): Laboratory P-wave measurements of Permafrost rocks. Annual Meeting of German Working Group on Geomorphology in Leipzig, Germany, 28.09.-01.10.2011.

Draebing, D. and  M. Krautblatter (2011): Raw data analysis and sensitivity to initial model velocities of 2.5D-seismic refraction tomographies of permafrost in steep bedrock. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13. EGU General Assembly 20141- 12785.

Krautblatter, M. and D. Draebing (2010): Pseudo 3D – P-wave refraction seismic monitoring of permafrost in steep bedrock: laboratory calibration, error assessment and field techniques. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU General Assembly 2010 – 4095.