Chair of Landslide Research

Every two years, the VAO Symposium facilitates the exchange of the latest research findings and future collaborative research pursuits among members and interested individuals. The symposium emphasizes productive interdisciplinary collaboration among…

The TUM Chair of Landslide Research was participating in the International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP2024) from June 16-20 in the lovely scenery of Canadian Whitehorse, Yukon. The conference focusses on the different aspects and research…

Global warming has a profound impact on the frequency and severity of natural hazards globally. This effect is particularly noticeable in the Alps, requiring new strategies for prevention and mitigation. The pressing issue of "Natural hazards in a…

The five fastest runners of the Landslider Team AlpHa Alphas reached a time of 1:56:02 over 5.5 km, being way faster than last year. The second team AlpHa Betas did an amazing job as well, with 2:16:00 being in the top 30! All results can be checked…

We were taking part at the General Assembly of the European Geoscience Union in Vienna from April 14-19 2024. We contributed with 11 oral and poster presentations about permafrost, debris flows, lahars and landscape evolution modes. Check out our…

What happens when a rapid, sediment laden flow (hyperconcentrated flow) is forced through a narrow and deeply incised bedrock gorge? In the case of the event in June 2020 in the Höllental-gorge, the geomorphic changes were even visible by eye.…

Simon Mühlbauer joined the TUM Landslide Research Group as a PhD student working on alpine permafrost bedrock. He completed his BEng in Civil Engineering at the OTH Regensburg and his MSc in Civil Enginnering at the TUM. As a PhD student, his…

The documentary "When rocks fall" will run on Sunday March 10 at 7:15 p.m. on analog TV / BR and is already available in the ARD Mediathek (43 min, German). …

We organized the symposium on "Rapid adaptation in a changing climate and environment (RACE): coupled geo-, bio- and hydrosystems” on Feb. 23rd 2024 in Garching together with our TUM ALPHA and the TUM Water Cluster. The program included talks by…

A strong collaboration between members of the Landslides group resulted in a new publication analysing the impact of the 2016 cliff fall at the Southwestern slope of Hochvogel (DE-AT) on the subsequent massive sediment redistribution. The publication…