Development Association for Concrete and Masonry Structures of the TU Munich

Function of the Association

The goal of the association is to promote the fields of research, teaching and continuing education of the Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures of the Technical University Munich and to foster the contacts with partners from engineering practice. The purpose, as stated in the charter, is especially achieved through:

  • Seminars and meetings
  • Support of teaching and research activities
  • Creation and fostering of the relationships with industry Support for excursions, guest lectures, practicum and theses for foreign and German students in the context of their education
  • Support for the development of the DIN-standards
  • Cost subsidies for the publications of the Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures
  • Prizes for scholarly works

The Association exclusively and directly pursues objectives that are exclusively and immediately for the public benefit in accordance with the section "Tax-Deductible Purposes" of German tax law. The Association is a not-for-profit organisation, it does not pursue its own financial goals. The resources of the Association can only be used solely in compliance with the statutes. Members receive no payments from the funds of the Association. Members are not entitled to compensation for contributions paid and do not have any right to the assets of the Association, in whole or in part, if they leave the Association or if the Association is disbanded. No person shall benefit from disproportionately high payment or from expenditures that do not align with the purposes of the Association.


Natural persons

Students and doctoral students 10,- €
Assistants and research assistants 30,- €
Employees of the Technical University Munich 30,- €
Graduates up to 5 years after the last passed exam 30,- €
Honorary members exempted
Other 50,- €

Companies, associations and legal bodies

Small and mid-size companies, associations and legal bodies (up to 100 employees) 250,- €
Large companies, associations and legal bodies  (more than 100 employees) 500,- €

The membership fee serves the public benefit and is therefore tax-deductible as a special expense. The membership fees are due for payment in the 1. quarter of the year. The payment year is the calendar year. Members pay the full year payment in the entry year.