Lecture Series TUM.wood

The interfaculty lecture series entitled 'From Tree to House - The Whole Wood Value Chain' is offered in the winter semester and is open to Master students from the Faculties of Architecture, BGU and the Weihenstephan Science Centre as an elective subject.

The lecture series should offer an overview about the relations in the whole value chain of wood and forestry. A holistic approach beyond the limits of the faculties should deepen the understanding for the ecologic, economic, socio-cultural and technical aspects of the topic ‘building with timber’.

Learning Outcomes

After having participated the course the students will be able to:

  • understand the important aspects, challenges and strategies of modern silviculture in central Europe
  • analyze the ecologic and economic relations between silviculture, wood processing and implementation in the building construction sector
  • understand the state of the art in the production of solid timber and timber products
  • gain an insight in the development of biogenic polymers
  • gain an overview of the engineers topics of structural design, fire safety and building physics in timber construction
  • gain an overview of the implementation fields of timber in building construction (multi storey buildings, timber engineering, construction in existing contexts…)
  • understand the most important parameters at construction and design of timber buildings


Coordination: Sandra Schuster

Lecture: Monday, 16:45 - 18:15, online

Semesterinformation: TUM.wood Webside

Study Material

Study Material on moodle.tum.de

Registration on campus.tum.de

Lectures (Files on moodle)