Current Research Projects


Climate protection potential of timber construction on the campus of the University of Technology Nuremberg

short description

Merk Dominik

Projektstart: 10/2022


Decarbonization of construction site logistics and processes monitoring two typical construction types for housing

Construction processes contribute between 10 and 20 percent of emission during a building production phase. The monitoring is used to record emissions at the construction site and allocate them as precisely as possible to the various construction processes in order to investigate decarbonization options for construction sites using life cycle assessment methods. This should enable housing companies in Germany to transparently reduce their emissions during construction.
Short description will be updated
Contact: Anna Wagner, Stephan Ott
Project start: 02/2022


Wood panel painting (Holztafelbild)

Development and model application of an 'in situ' humidification method with a monitoring concept using the example of an anthropogenically damaged large-format wooden panel painting

The project would like to investigate the possibilities of the remoisturing of - by low, anthropogenically caused air humidity - strongly damaged cultural heritage in a practice-oriented way. In order to enable the conservation and restoration of the heavily damaged painting layer, the panel painting must first be brought closer to its original geometric dimensions by means of controlled humidification accompanied by long-term measurements of indoor climate, material properties, and wood moisture. Short description to follow shortly
Contact persons: Alex Fröhlich, Patrik Aondio, Stephan Ott
Project start: 01/2022

Structural Timber by Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF)


Klaudius Henke, Daniel Talke, Birger Buschmann

Projektstart: 01/2020

Einfach Bauen: Realisierung eines Nullenergiestandards für drei Studentenwohnhäuser auf dem TUM Campus Garching



Zsofia Varga, Stephan Ott

Projektstart 11/2019

Potenziale hygrothermisch aktivierter Bauteile


Nina Flexeder, David Briels

Projektstart: 02/2019

Housing for elderly (Seniorenwohnen)

Interactions of different wood construction configurations on environmental impacts with a focus on indoor air quality, health, user behavior, and life cycle analysis

In the project, 11 single-family houses using various timber construction systems will be evaluated. The scientific long-term monitoring encompass the building physics, recycling and construction parameters by the TU Munich, the IAQ analysis by IQUH and the sustainability assessment by ASCONA, it should be shown on different levels that sustainable and healthy living in timber house construction is ensured even for the target group of senior citizens, which is to be classified as more health-sensitive.
Contact person: Eva Bodemer, Stephan Ott
Project start: 01/2019

TIMpuls - Brandschutztechnische Grundlagenuntersuchung zur Fortschreibung bauaufsichtlicher Regelungen in Hinblick auf eine erweiterte Anwendung des Holzbaus - Anpassung des österreichischen Kataloges geprüfter Holzbauteile auf die Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland, Erstellen einer Plattform mit in Deutschland baurechtlich verwendbaren Bauteilaufbauten


Norman Werther, Michael Rauch

Projektstart: 02/2016

Evolution of the design of timber structures: Eurocode 5


Martin Schenk

Projektstart: 03/2017