
The Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation offers the following courses.

Bachelor Civil / Environmental Engineering

Course Compulsory/Elective Semester WS/SS SWS ECTS
Bau- und Umweltinformatik 1 C 1 WS 4 5
Bau- und Umweltinformatik 2 C 2 SS 4 5
Bau- und Umweltinformatik Ergänzungsmodul E 5 WS 4 5
Softwareschulung BIM E  - WS/SS  - 0

Bachelor Engineering Science (MSE)

Master Civil Engineering / Computational Mechanics / ITBE

Here you can find a comprehensive overview and explanation of our courses.


Course C/E Study program WS/SS SWS ECTS
Computation in Engineering 1 C CE | CoMe WS 3 6
Computation in Engineering 2 (this lecture is not offered anymore) E CE | CoMe SS 3 6
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering E CE SS 2 3
Engineering Databases E CE | CoMe | ITBE WS 2 3
BIM.fundamentals C CE | ITBE SS 4 6
BIM.project E CE | ITBE WS 4 6
BIM.advanced E CE | ITBE SS 2 3
BIM.infra E CE | ITBE SS 4 6
Professional Software Development E CE | CoMe SS 2 3
Professional Software Engineering C ITBE WS 4 6
Industrial Applications of Structural Mechanics I E CE | CoMe SS 2 3
Industrial Applications of Structural Mechanics II E CE | CoMe WS 2 3
Softwarelab E CE | CoMe | ITBE WS + SS 4 6
ITBE Fusion Lab C ITBE WS 6 12
Semantic Modeling of the Built World C ITBE SS 4 6
Distributed and Cloud-Based Systems C ITBE WS 4 6
Computational Linear Algebra E CE | CoMe WS 3 3
Think.Make.Start. E   - 3 6

In addition to the existing study programs, a new master program "Information Systems for the built environment (ITBE)" has started in the winter term 2022/23. More information: https://www.ed.tum.de/ed/studium/studienangebot/information-technologies-for-the-built-environment-m-sc/ 

In case of questions related to personalized specializations as part of the civil engineering master (e.g., approval of chosen module combinations), please reach out to Martin Slepicka or Sebastian Esser.