Computation in Engineering 1

also known as: Computergestützte Berechnungsverfahren in den Ingenieurwissenschaften I

Important: In the week before the lectures officially start we will offer a preparatory course called Introduction to programming in C++. In this course we will introduce procedural programming using C++ without assuming any previous programming experience. Please note, that we expect you to either have some basic programming experience in any language (for example in Matlab) or to have visited our preparatory course.

Content of the Lecture

  • Procedural programming in C++ (short repetition of the introduction week)
  • the process of software developement
  • object oriented modelling
  • the Unified Modelling Language (UML)
  • examples for Object Oriented Modelling
  • sets relations and graphs
  • geometric modelling
  • geometric representation of curves


  • There will be many optional and one compulsory assignment
  • The compulsory assignment will be handed out on a date to be announced in December during class hours and has to be handed in during the oral interview given to each student individually probably some time in January.


Material for the lecture and practical course will be uploaded in moodle.


Stavros Nousias