- Advanced Process Representation for Semi-Automated Linking between Construction Schedules and IFC Files. Proc. of the LDAC2024 - Linked Data in Architecture and Construction, 2024 mehr…
- Adaptive scan planning for 4D-BIM-based construction progress monitoring. Proc. of the 34th Forum Bauinformatik, 2023 mehr…
- Automated Productivity Evaluation of Concreting Works: The Example of Concrete Pillar Production. Proc. of Construction Logistics, Equipment, and Robotics, 2023 mehr…
- Digitaler Zwilling Baustelle – Baustellenüberwachung zur automatisierten Zeit- und Kostenkontrolle. Bautechnik 100 (4), 2023, 190-197 mehr…
- Process-oriented progress monitoring of cast-in-place shell constructions based on computer vision. Prof. of the 30th Int. Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE), 2023 mehr…
- Enriching building graphs with parametric design constraints for automated design adaptation. Proc. of the 34th Forum Bauinformatik, 2023 mehr…
- Proceedings of 33. Forum Bauinformatik. , 07. – 09. September 2022. , 2022 mehr…
- AEC Digital Twin Data -- Why structure matters. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), 2022 mehr…
- Scalable construction monitoring for an as-performed progress documentation across time. Proceedings of 33. Forum Bauinformatik, 2022 mehr…
- TUM Open Infra Platform: an open source package for simultaneous viewing and analysis of digital models in the civil engineering domain. Journal of Open Source Software 7 (72), 2022, 3061 mehr…
- A Comprehensive Data Schema for Digital Twin Construction. Proceedings of the 29th EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 2022 mehr…
- Data structure for realizing a digital twin of construction processes. Proc. of the 32nd Forum Bauinformatik, 2021 mehr…
- Integration getrackter Eisenbahnausrüstung in eine Fachmodellumgebung. , 2020 mehr…