Computational Linear Algebra

This course centers around the theory of linear algebra as a basis for the implementation and application of numerical methods. It consists of a lecture which teaches the theoretical part and an exercise which focuses on the related computational aspects and implementation. Additionally, exercise sheets tackling the more theoretical aspects are handed out on a weekly basis.

Content of the Lecture

  • Basics of linear algebra (matrices, vectors, norms, condition number, fixed-point theorem)
  • Direct methods (Gaussian elimination, Cholesky decomposition, ...)
  • Iterative methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, ...)
  • Multi-grid method
  • Preconditioning


  • Material for the lecture and exercises can be found on moodle


Kick-off Zoom meeting ?

Lecture: Videos uploaded in Moodle

Exercise: Tuesday (starting 10.11.20), 09:45-11:15, Zoom


Name  M.Sc. Lisa Hug          Stefan Kollmannsberger
Room  3161  3165
Consult. time     by arrangement  by arrangement