
GeOmechanical Investigation and Well Planning of Geothermal Sites through EFFECTIVE Stress (GeOmechanische Beurteilung und Bohrplanung für Geothermiestandorte mittels EFFECTIVE Stress)

GoEffective extends the Bavarian pore pressure pilot database on a German scale. The main focus of the project is to to develop a semi-automated toolkit (EFECT) that predicts pore pressure and stress at arbitrary locations and along given well paths by pulling quality-ranked pressure and stress data from respective databases. The toolkit is calibrated and tested with data from the Bavarian Molasse Basin, North German Basin and Upper Rhine Graben.

GoEffective is a joint project between TUM.GTT, GFZ Potsdam and G.E.O.S. Ingenieur-mbH and is funded by the Federal Minstry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK, Project Number: 03EE4048A)

Project Duration: 2023-2026 (3 years)

Project Team @TUM.GTT: Florian Duschl, Malte ZiebarthIndira ShatyrbayevaMichael Drews