Compaction, seal integrity and temperature distribution in the Bavarian Molasse Basin (KOMPaktion, BArrierewirKung und Temperaturverteilung im Bayerischen Molassebecken)

KompakT is a joint project between the TUM.GTT and TUM's Chair of Hydrogeology. Here we focus on the compaction state of the Cenozoic sediments of the North Alpine Foreland Basin and its underlying Mesozoic basement sediments to better understand the distribution of porosity, permeability and density of the subsurface in southern Bavaria. The results also help to better constrain velocity models for seismic processing and to understand the hydraulic activity of the North Alpine Foreland Basin over geological timescales. KompakT is funded by the Bavarian Environment Agency. 

Funded by: Bavarian Environment Agency

Project Duration: 2020-2023 (3 years)

Project Team @TUM.GTT: Peter ObermeierFlorian Duschl, Michael Drews

Project Team @TUM.HYD: Kai Zosseder and Felix Schölderle 

Stability of deep geothermal wellbores in southern Bavaria (BOhrlOchSTabilität GEOTHERMischer Tiefbohrungen in Süd-BAYERN)

BoostGeotherm.Bayern is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy. In this project we gather and transfer our research results and expertise in pore pressure prediction in a well database. Pore pressure, together with the minimum stress, are the geological drivers for designing the minimum and maximum drilling mud density and casing points of deep wells in sedimentary basins. The aim of the project is to provide an information basis of subsurface pressures and drilling problems to guide future deep geothermal well design in the Bavarian part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Bavarian Molasse Basin). This is in particular relevant in the southern and southeastern parts of the basin, where pore pressures significantly exceed hydrostatic pressures. If not predicted with sufficient accuracy prior to drilling, this so called overpressure poses a drilling hazard, which can cause significant drilling delay and economic damage.

Funded by: Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy

Project Duration: 2020-2023 (3 years)

Project Team @TUM.GTT: Julian Breitsameter, Indira Shatyrbayeva, Daniel Bohnsack, Michael Drews