
Geological-physical characterization of the North Alpine Foreland Basin in Bavaria (GEOlogisch-Physikalische CHArakterisierung des Nordalpinen VorlandbeCkens in BayErn)

GeoChaNce addresses the optimization of the use of the medium-deep reservoirs of the Bavarian Molasse Basin through integration and interpretation of geological and geophysical data and methods. GeoChaNce.Bayern is the successor of the project KompakT (2020-2023). The key goals are:

  • Regional-scale subsurface mapping of the most important seismic markers and reservoirs of the Cenozoic basin fill based on integration of selected 2D/3D seismic and drilling data 
  • Testing and development of reflection seismic gas detection using shallow seismic (shallow gas only) and seismic attributes in the vicinity of known (shallow) gas deposits
  • Characterization of the physical processes and subsurface properties based on sample material and geophysical borehole measurements

The project is led by TUM.GTT and conducted in cooperation with the Geothermal Energy Group of TUM’s Chair of Hydrogeology (TUM.HYD) and is structured in four work packages, which cover regional-scale subsurface mapping (AP-1, TUM.GTT and TUM.HYD), seismic gas detection (WP-2, TUM.GTT), characterization of physical processes and subsurface properties regarding diagenesis, deformation/compaction (AP-3, TUM.GTT) and thermal properties (AP-4, TUM.HYD) of potential medium-deep reservoirs.

Funded by: Bavarian Environment Agency

Project Duration: 2024-2027 (4 years)

Project Team @TUM.GTT: Enzo AconchaJulian BreitsameterMichael Drews (WP-1 and WP-2), Lena-Maria Able and Florian Duschl (WP-3)

Project Team @TUM.HYD: Kai Zosseder and Felix Schölderle (WP-1 and WP-4)