Ph.D. Subhojit Kadia
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Hydraulic Engineering (Prof. Rüther)
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 23166
Current position: Postdoc in the Chair of Hydraulic Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Specialization: Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
Areas of interest: Experimental Hydraulics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation, Turbulence Modeling, Nonlinear Weirs, Reservoir Sedimentation: Sediment Bypass Tunnels, Fluvial Hydraulics and Sediment Transport, and Hydropower Development
Ph.D. in Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway Thesis title: Secondary Currents, Turbulence Characteristics, and Bed Shear Stress Variations in Supercritical Narrow Channel Flows. | 12.2020 - 05.2024 |
M.Tech. in Water Resources Development Department of Water Resources Development and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India Dissertation title: Movement of Sediment over a Piano Key Weir. | 07.2017 - 06.2019 |
Bachelor of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University, India | 08.2008 - 06.2012 |
Post-doctoral Fellow Chair of Hydraulic Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany | 05.2024 - |
Research Assistant Chair of Hydraulic Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany | 02.2024 - 05.2024 |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise), India | 12.2013 - 07.2017, 06.2019 - 11.2020 |
Structural Engineer M.N.Dastur & Company (P) Limited (Dasturco), Kolkata, India | 08.2012 - 12.2013 |
Kadia, S. , Larsson, I.A.S., Billstein, M., Lia, L., R¨uther, N., & Pummer, E. (2024). Investigating supercritical flow characteristics and movement of sediment particles in a narrow channel bend using PTV and video footage. Advances in Water Resources, 193, 104827. Elsevier.
Kadia, S., Larsson, I.A.S., Billstein, M., Lia, L., & Pummer, E. (2024). Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Water Surface Profile and Wave Extrema of Supercritical Flows in a Narrow Channel Bend. Scientific Reports, 14, 12247. Nature Portfolio.
Kadia, S., Albayrak, I., Lia, L., Rüther, N., & Pummer, E. (2024). Reynolds Stress Model Study Comparing the Secondary Currents and Turbulent Flow Characteristics in High-speed Narrow Open Channel and Duct Flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 150(4), 04024017. ASCE.
Kadia, S., Lia, L., Albayrak, I., & Pummer, E. (2024). The effect of cross-sectional geometry on the high-speed narrow open channel flows: An updated Reynolds stress model study. Computers & Fluids, 271, 106184. Elsevier.
Olsen, N. R. B., Kadia, S., Pummer, E., & Hillebrand, G. (2023). An OpenFOAM Solver for Computing Suspended Particles in Water Currents. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 25(5), 1949-1959. IWA Publishing.
Kadia, S., Pummer, E., Kumar, B., Rüther, N., & Ahmad, Z. (2023). A Reformed Empirical Equation for the Discharge Coefficient of Free-Flowing Type-A Piano Key Weirs. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 149(4), 04023003. ASCE.
Kadia, S., Rüther, N., Albayrak, I., & Pummer, E. (2022). Reynolds stress modeling of supercritical narrow channel flows using OpenFOAM: Secondary currents and turbulent flow characteristics. Physics of Fluids, 34(12), 125116. AIP Publishing.
Kumar, B., Kadia, S., & Ahmad, Z. (2022). Sediment Movement over a Triangular Weir with an Upstream Ramp Using a High-speed Camera. Journal of Visualization, 25, 1017-1033. Springer.
Kumar, B., Kadia, S., & Ahmad, Z. (2021). Discharge Characteristics of Piano Key Weirs With and Without Upstream Siltation. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 19(9), 1043-1054. Springer.
Kumar, B., Kadia, S., & Ahmad, Z. (2021). Sediment Movement over Type A Piano Key Weirs. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147(6), 04021018. ASCE.
Kumar, B., Kadia, S., & Ahmad, Z. (2019). Evaluation of discharge equations of the Piano Key Weirs. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 68, 101577. Elsevier.
Kadia, S., Kumar, B., & Ahmad, Z. (2020). Discharge Characteristics of Triangular Weir with Upstream Ramp and its CFD Modelling using Ansys CFX Module. In M. B. Kalinowska, M. M. Mrokowska, & P. M. Rowinski (Eds.), Recent Trends in Environmental Hydraulics. GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1st ed., 77–90. Springer, Cham.
Kadia, S., Larsson, I.A.S., Billstein, M., Lia, L., & Pummer, E. (2023). Supercritical Flow Characteristics in a Narrow Channel Bend. In Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers - Connecting Mountains and Coasts, 87–93.
Kadia, S., Rüther, N., & Pummer, E. (2022). Reynolds Stress Modelling of Supercritical Flow in a Narrow Channel. In 9th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, 58.
Kadia, S., Pummer, E., & Rüther, N. (2021). CFD Simulation of Supercritical Flow in Narrow Channels Including Sediment Bypass Tunnels. In 8th International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, 7.
Kadia, S., Kumar, B., Pummer, E., Rüther, N., & Ahmad, Z. (2021). Experimental and CFD Simulation Studies on the Flow Approaching a Type-A Piano Key. In EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-10030.
Kumar, B., Kadia, S., & Ahmad, Z. (2019). Experimental study on the flow field in vicinity of a Piano key weir. In AGU Fall Meeting 2019, EP51E-2135.
Kadia, S., Kumar, B., & Ahmad, Z. (2019). Piano Key Weir as a Dam Safety Technique and its CFD Modelling in Ansys CFX Module. In Compendium of Technical Papers for the International Dam Safety Conference - 2019, 91-99.