Head of Chair

Irene Danhofer
Office Manager / Administration

Tanja Nyc
Office Manager / Administration
Research Groups

Jaroslava Obel
Chemical Technical Assistant (CTA)

Dipl.-Ing. Alberto Albarrán Ordás
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GeoMaN Project

Dr. Ayman AlRassas
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - BeM.TG and GIGA-M Project

M. Sc. Aurelio Andy
PhD Student
Geothermal Energy Group - GFK Monitor Project

Dr. Muhammad Asad
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - OptiGeos Project

M. Sc. Cristina Astudillo
Project Staff and PhD Student
Geothermal Energy Group - MARGIN Project

M. Sc. Lea Augustin
PhD Student
Geofluids group - Smart-SWS Project

Dr.-Ing. Ishani Banerjee
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GIGA-M & BeM-TG Projects

Dr. Bob Bamberg
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GIGA-M & BeM-TG Projects

Dr. Lilian Chavez-Kus
Project Manager / Chair of Hydrogeology Webdesign
Geothermal Energy Group - GeoMaN Project

M. Sc. Javiera Paz Chocobar Villegas
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GeoBoost Project

Dr. Aurélia Crinière
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GIGA-M & BeM-TG Projects

M. Sc. Valerie Ernst
PhD Student
Geothermal Energy Group - GIGA-M & BeM-TG Projects

M. Sc Ganesh Reddy Gajjala
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - 3D-GeoModell Berlin Project

Dipl.-Met. Christine Haas
Project Manager and PhD Student
Geothermal Energy Group - MARGIN, GFK-Monitor and Energy Atlas Projects

M. Sc. Marlis Hegels
PhD Student
Geofluids group - Geothermal Alliance Bavaria (GAB-2) Project

M. Sc. Marco Kerl
Project Manager
Geothermal Energy Group - GeoMaN Project

Dr. Aleksandra Kiecak
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GeoMaN Project

M. Sc. Timea Kostner
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - FlexGeo Project

M. Sc. Stefanie Küster
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GeoMaN Project

M. Sc. Yeyang Li
PhD Student
Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group - ModelAge Project

M. Sc. Mohamed Moursy
PhD Student
Geothermal Energy Group - GAB 2.0 Project

M. Sc. Mohamed Nasralla
PhD student
Geothermal Energy Group - GIGA-M Project

M. Sc. Renate Reschetizka
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - Geothermal Alliance Bavaria (GAB-2) Project

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Schmetzer
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GeoMaN Project

Dr. Felix Schölderle
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GAB-2, Kompakt and GFK-Monitor Projects

M. Sc. Anne Schultze
PhD Student
Geofluids group - Smart-SWS Project

M. Sc. Wolf-Rüdiger Titus Seeger
PhD Student
Geothermal Energy Group - GIGA-M & SAPHEA Projects

M. Sc. Adrian Seeholzer
PhD Student
Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry & Modelling Group - NitratLURCH Project

M. Sc. Kalliopi Tzoufka
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - „SpeicherCity“ BMBF-Project

M. Sc. Theis Winter
PhD Student
Geothermal Energy Group - GK-Monitor Project

Dr. Anja Wunderlich
Senior Researcher
Hydrogeology and Biogeochemistry Group - Nitrat Lurch Project
Alumni and former employees

M. Sc. Lilly Zacherl
PhD Student
Geofluids group - FouMon Project

Dipl.-Geol. Daniela Pfrang
Project Staff
Geothermal Energy Group - GAB-2 and GFK-Monitor Projects

M. Sc. Mohamad Omidi
PhD Student
Geofluids group - GAB: Chemical reservoir management Project

M. Sc. Annette Dietmaier
PhD Student
Geofluids group

M. Sc. Tamara Michaelis
PhD Student
Redox processes in the hyporheic zone

Dr. Manuel Gossler
GeoSPOT Project

M. Sc. Fabian Böttcher
PhD Student
GRETA - Near-Surface Geothermal Resources in the Territory of the Alpine Space

M. Sc. Jan Huch
Project Staff
GeoPOT Project

M. Sc. Anne Imig
PhD Student

Dipl.-Geol. Daniel Bohnsack
PhD Student
High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage

M. Sc. Florian Konrad
PhD Student
Hydraulic modeling of permeability in the Jurassic groundwater reservoir

Dr. Fatemeh Shajari
PhD Student
GeoPot - Geothermal Potential of the Munich Tertiary

M. Sc. Alejandra Peña Sanchez
PhD Student
Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM)

M. Sc. Florian Heine
PhD Student
IsoMol, GAB, Dolomitkluft

M. Sc. Markus Theel
PhD Student
GeoPot - Geothermal Potential of the Munich Tertiary

M. Sc. Katharina Albert
PhD Student
Scholarship holder of the Nagelschneider Stiftung
Heterogeneity on thermal conductivity and its effect on heat transport

M. Sc. Lisa Wild
PhD Student
Hydrogeology and Biogeochemistry

M. Sc. Patrick Kotyla
PhD Student
Heat transport mechanism between surface water and groundwater
Department of Health and Environment Munich

M. Sc. Sebastian Holzapfel
PhD Student
Natural attenuation system for nitrate removal
Hydrogeology 2024

Hydrogeology 2022

Hydrogeology 2016

Hydrogeology 2014

not in the picture: Dr. Kai Zosseder, Dr. Lilian Chavez-Kus, and Kilian Beichel