PollLCA - Characterizing pollinator impacts for life cycle assessment
Currently, insect pollinator exposure is missing in the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) framework. The objective of this project is therefore to develop a conceptual framework to inform the set-up of a pollinator module for LCIA, in order to enable comparing pesticides and screening pesticide-crop scenarios. Aims include the quantification of field exposure and ecotoxicity effects of honeybees and other pollinators caused by pesticide use. This will be done in a research cooperation, where the Bayer AG, the Technical University of Denmark, the Ohio State University and the Technical University of Munich are working jointly together.
We will develop a model to simulate pesticide residues in pollinator relevant matrices (flowers, pollen, nectar). Aims are to improve process understanding and to inform the exposure pathway of a pollinator module to be used in LCIA frameworks.
Furthermore, we will extend and apply the available pollinator module (honeybees) for LCIA for multiple crops and pesticides. We will compare the developed LCIA honeybee model against well understood model BEEHAVE based on case studies, evaluate for commonalities and differences in ranking of pesticide impacts and identify underlying causes for differences.
Contributions to SDG
Bayer AG https://www.bayer.com/en/agriculture
Ohio State University https://entomology.osu.edu/
Technical University of Denmark https://sustain.dtu.dk/en/
Bayer AG https://www.bayer.com/en/agriculture

Project duration
01.12.2022 – 31.05.2025