23-28 April 2023: Chair of hydrogeology participate at EGU23 in Vienna

Termin | Conference | Simposium |

From April 23 to 28, 2023, the  EGU General Assembly 2023 was held in Vienna, where geoscientists from around the world meet. With Tamara Michaelis, Theis Winter, and Dr. Arno Rein from the Biogeochemistry Group, Felix Schölderle, Alberto Albarrán-Ordás, and Kalliopi Tzoufka from the Geothermal Group as well as Annette Dietmaier, Mohamad Omidi, Lea Augustin, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumann from the Geofluids Group, all three research groups of our chair were represented with talks or posters.

Contributions at the Congress:

L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Infiltrating flood waves into aquifers: Column experiments on the suitability of filter materials, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Local effects of the injection of undersaturated waters in geothermal applications, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

M. Omidi & T. Baumann, Numerical analysis of scaling formation in geothermal systems: Application in bubble columns, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Smart-sws: Combining flood protection and drought prevention - concept and site selection criteria, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

J. Bartels, P. Schätzl & T. Baumann, Hydrochemical stimulation in fractured carbonate rocks - monitoring and simulation, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

T. Michaelis, F. Kaplar, A. Wunderlich, T. Baumann & F. Einsiedl, One-year methane ebullition measurements over a cross section of a small stream, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

T. Winter & F. Einsiedl, Characterisation of the regional groundwater flow system in the South German Molasse Basin using apparent groundwater age distributions with 14CDOC and 81Kr, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

A. Rein, Q. An, Y. Wu, D. Li, X. Hao & C. Pan, Dynamic modeling of plant uptake and leaching of pesticides applied at an apple orchard, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

F. Schölderle & K. Zosseder, Mapping regional variability of reservoir temperatures for hydrothermal use: a statistical model based on parameter uncertainty, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna. Poster session

A. Albarrán-Ordás & K. Zosseder, 3-D stochastic geological modelling of the sediment texture in detrital systems: prediction of fictive grain size distributions and uncertainty quantification, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.

K. Tzoufka, D. Pfrang, D. Bohnsack & K. Zosseder, Numerical modelling of high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) in the Upper Jurassic reservoir of the German Molasse Basin, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna. Poster session