Laboratory exercise for soil mechanics


Identifier: BV120008

Curriculum/ Assignment: Elective 1. or 2. semester

ECTS-Credits: 3,0

Cycle: Summer or winter semester

Language: German


Christoph Füger, M.Sc.


Course content

  • field testing
  • density, grain density
  • porosity
  • proctor test
  • compression test, frame shearing test
  • triaxial test


Study documents

All study documents can be found on MOODLE.



The proof of performance takes place in form of 6 exercises, which are carried out as written tests. Each test has a duration of 10 minutes and is held at the beginning of the following lab class.
The aim of the exercises is to check the factual and detailed knowledge of the setup and procedure of soil mechanics laboratory tests as well as the application of the presented evaluation methods for the determination of soil mechanics parameters in application-related problems. The answer is mostly given by own formulations in bullet points or by small calculation tasks.

A simple scientific calculator is permitted as an auxiliary.

The final grade is calculated by the average of the 5 best evaluated exercises (20 % each). Only exercises in which the student participated can be taken into account for the evaluation.

Registration for the examination must be made in time at tumonline. The examination office is responsible for the registration for the exam.