Dr. Ing. Jingshui Huang
Dr. Jingshui Huang
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie und Flussgebietsmanagement (Prof. Disse)
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 23228
- Raum: 0507.01.715
- jingshui.huang@tum.de
Research Topics
- Water quality modelling
- Instream biogeochemical process understanding
- Water quality prediction under climate change and extreme weather events
- 10/2014 – 12/2015 | Guest Ph.D. student at the Department of Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Germany
- 09/2011 – 10/2017| Ph.D. (Env. Eng.) at the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China | Thesis: Modeling the effects of wastewater treatment plant effluents on in-river DO balance, nitrogen retention & DOM biogeochemistry
- 09/2007 – 07/2011 | Bachelor of Engineering (Env. Eng.) at the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China | Thesis: Influence of Al3+ addition on the flocculation and sedimentation of activated sludge
Professional Career
- Since 08/2020 | Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany | Topic: Water quality modelling under future increase in extreme weather events
- 01/2019 – 07/2020 | Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Germany | Project: Modelling instream nitrogen retention at high spatio-temporal resolution in an agriculture-impacted river
- 06/2018 – 12/2018| Research Assistant at the Unit of Environmental Modeling, VITO, Belgium| Project: Water quality forecasting and warning system in key basins in China
- 11/2017 – 05/2018| Research Assistant at the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China | Project: Systematic solution for improving water environment quality in Wujingang Basin
Journal Papers
- Tran YB, Arias-Rodriguez LF and Huang J (2022). Predicting high-frequency nutrient dynamics in the Danube River with surrogate models using sensors and Random Forest. Front. Water 4:894548. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2022.894548
- Hailong Yin, Yue Wang, Jingshui Huang, Photodegradation-induced biological degradation of treated wastewater effluent organic matter in receiving waters, Water Research, 2021, 117567, ISSN 0043-1354, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117567
- Arias-Rodriguez, L.F.; Duan, Z.; Díaz-Torres, J.d.J.; Basilio Hazas, M.; Huang, J.; Kumar, B.U.; Tuo, Y.; Disse, M., 2021, Integration of Remote Sensing and Mexican Water Quality Monitoring System Using an Extreme Learning Machine. Sensors, 21, 4118. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21124118
- Yin H., Wang Y., Yang Y., Huang J.*, Xu Z. Tryptophan-like fluorescence as a fingerprint of urban river water intrusion into storm drainage system. Environmental Sciences Europe 2020, 32, 1-14 10.1186/s12302-020-00336-3
- Huang J., Yin H., Jomaa S., Rode M., Zhou Q. Limited nitrogen retention in an urban river receiving raw sewage and wastewater treatment plant effluent. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 2019, 21, 1477-1488 10.1039/C9EM00201D
- Yin H., Xie M., Zhang L., Huang J., Xu Z., Li H., Jiang R., Wang R., Zeng X. Identification of sewage markers to indicate sources of contamination: Low cost options for misconnected non-stormwater source tracking in stormwater systems. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 648, 125-134. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.448
- Huang, Z., Huang, J.*, Zhou, Q. Influences of external loadings on urban river metabolism based on water quality model. Environmental Science 2019, 19(1). 10.15890/j.cnki.jsjs.2019.01.017 (in Chinese)
- Xie R., Huang J.*, Zhou Q. Spatial sensitivity analysis for urban river water quality model for Nanfei River. Water Purification Technology 2018, 18(3). 10.15890/j.cnki.jsjs.2018.03.004 (in Chinese)
- Huang J., Xie R.*, Yin H., Zhou Q. Assessment of water quality and source apportionment in an urban river using multivariate statistical methods: A case study of Nanfei River, China. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 2018, 18(5), 1841-1851. 10.2166/ws.2018.002
- Huang J., Yin H., Chapra S., Zhou Q. Modelling dissolved oxygen depression in an urban river in China. Water 2017, 17(9), 520. 10.3390/w9070520
- Li H., Wen Y., Cao A., Huang J., Zhou, Q. The influence of multivalent cations on the flocculation of activated sludge with different sludge retention times. Water Research 2014, 55, 225-232. 10.1016/j.watres.2014.02.014
- Li H., Wen Y., Cao A., Huang J., Zhou Q., Somasundaran P. The influence of additives (Ca2+, Al3+, and Fe3+) on the interaction energy and loosely bound extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of activated sludge and their flocculation mechanisms. Bioresource Technology 2012, 114, 188-194. 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.03.043
- Huang J., Wen Y., Cao A., Li H., Zhou Q. The influence of temperature on bioflocculation and settling of activated sludge and their flocculation mechanisms involved. Advanced Materials Research 2012, 518-523, 1817-1824. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.518-523.1817
Conference Papers
- Huang J., Rode M. River water quality modeling using continuous high frequency data allows disentangling whole-stream nitrogen uptake and release pathways, oral presentation in EGU General Assembly Conference, May 4-8. 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-9292
- Dams J. Huang J., Yang H., Driesen G., Seuntjens P., Li Q. Integrated catchment and instream water quality modeling in Baiyangdian Basin, China, 2019, oral presentation in EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 8-12. 2019EGUGA..2116168D
- Huang J., Yin H., Jomaa S., Rode M., Zhou Q. Modeling the effects of wastewater on nitrogen retention in a human-impacted river under low-flow conditions in the Nanfei River (China), 2019, poster in EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 8-12. 2019EGUGA..2115372H
- Huang J., Yin H., Li P., Zhou Q. Modelling the fate of dissolved organic matter (DOM): Implications for hypoxia in an effluent-dominated river, 2018, poster in EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 9-13. 2018EGUGA..2016623H
- Huang J., Yin H., Jomma S., Rode M., Zhou Q. Identification of pollutant sources in a rapidly developing urban river catchment in China, 2016, poster in EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 17-21. 2016EGUGA..1813299H