
Meteotrentino (Province of Trento, Italy), collected in the past years a database composed by time series of snow depth and snowfall data, referring to stations distributed in the whole Trentino region (north-east of Italy). The dataset contains three kinds of data: automatic data (measured by automatic instruments), manual data (measured by operators) and historical data (measured in several ways and collected from different historical sources). The project aims at checking the quality, correcting and analyzing the database. The project is subdivided according to the following tasks:

  • check each single time series for evident errors and incongruences, according to some site-specific criteria, which were established with the help of snow experts.
  • merge the corresponding time series, according to quality indexes that were assigned to the data sources (automatic, manual or historical) and to each single data point, in order to obtain a unique and longer time series.
  • Check the reliability of the dataset for climatological analysis. For this reason, it was important to test the homogeneity of the time series.
  • Reconstruction of missing data points in snow-depth time series.
  • Statistical analysis of the dataset.
  • Development of an algorithm to correct data collected by automatic snow depth sensors

Projektverantwortlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Chiogna (
Hauptforscher: Prof. Dr. Alberto Bellin (
PhD Kandidaten:Giorgia Marcolini