Dr. rer. nat. Ali Nawaz
Raum: | 1113 |
Telefon: | + |
Telefax: | + |
E-Mail: | ali.nawaz(at)tum.de |
Arbeitsgruppe: | Mikrobielle Systeme |
seit 2020 | Post-Doc in der Gruppe Mikrobielle Systeme am Lehrstuhl für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (TUM) |
2019 | Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.), Universität Leipzig |
2018-2020 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Abteilung Siedlungsökologie, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Halle (Saale), Deutschland |
2014-2018 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand, Abteilung Bodenökologie, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Halle (Saale), Deutschland |
2013 | Master of Science (M.Sc.) Mikrobiologie, Universität Jena, Deutschland |
2012-2013 | Forschungsstudent in der Abteilung Chemische Ökologie, Max-Planck-Institut für chemische Ökologie (MPI), Jena, Deutschland |
2006-2010 | Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Honors) Biotechnologie, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) Lahore, Pakistan |
- Mikrobielle Ökologie aquatischer und terrestrischer Lebensräume
- Funktionelle mikrobielle Vielfalt
- Anwendungen von Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-Werkzeugen bei der Untersuchung von Wechselwirkungen zwischen Pro- und Eukaryoten in Böden, Pflanzen und natürlichen sowie in technischen Wassersystemen
Nawaz A., Purahong W., Herrmann M., Küsel K., Buscot F., Wubet T. (2019). DNA- and RNA-derived fungal communities in subsurface aquifers only partly overlap but react similarly to environmental factors. Microorganisms, 7(9), 341
Nawaz A., Purahong W., Lehmann R., Herrmann M., Totsche K.U., Küsel K., Wubet T., Buscot F. (2018). First insights into the living groundwater mycobiome of the terrestrial biogeosphere. Water Research 145: 50-61.
Narr A., Nawaz A., Wick LY., Harms H., Chatzinotas A. (2017). Soil viral communities vary temporally and along a land use transect as revealed by virus-like particle counting and a modified community fingerprinting approach (fRAPD). Frontiers in Microbiology 8:1975.
Lazar C.S., Stoll W., Lehmann L., Hermann, M., Schwab V.F., Akob D.M., Nawaz A., Wubet T., Buscot F., Totsche K.U., Küsel K. (2017). Archaeal Diversity and CO2 Fixers in Carbonate-/Siliciclastic-Rock Groundwater Ecosystems. Archaea, vol. 2017, Article ID 2136287.
Nawaz A., Purahong W., Lehmann R., Herrmann M., Kusel K., Totsche K.U., Buscot F., Wubet T. (2016). Superimposed pristine limestone aquifers with marked hydrochemical differences exhibit distinct fungal communities. Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 666.
Groten K., Nawaz A., Nguyen N.H., Santhanam R., Baldwin I.T. (2015). Silencing a key gene of the common symbiosis pathway in Nicotiana attenuata specifically impairs arbuscular mycorrhizal infection without influencing the root-associated microbiome or plant growth. Plant Cell & Environment 38, 2398-2416.
Konferenz-Beiträge / Poster
Marjanovic Z. S., Nawaz A*., Wubet T. Root mycobiome of different truffle producing forest types in Serbian lowlands. ICOM10, International Conference on Mycorrhiza, Merida, Mexico, Jun 2019
Singavarapu B*., Nawaz A., Bruelheide H., Wubet T. Neighbour diversity affects the rhizosphere microbiome assemblages of tree species pairs in subtropical forest ecosystem. Rhizosphere 5, Saskatoon, Canada, Jul 2019
Nawaz A*., Purahong W., Buscot F., Wubet T. Influence of forest management practices on bacterial community dynamics. BAGECO14, Bacterial Genetics and Ecology, Aberdeen, Scotland, Jun 2107
Nawaz A*., Buscot F., Wubet T. Does distance from the surface and local hydrochemistry affects the fungal community structures in subsurface limestone aquifers? ISME 16, Montreal, Canada, Aug 2016
Nawaz A*., Buscot F., Wubet T. First insights into the fungal communities of terrestrial subsurface karstic aquifers in the Earth’s Critical Zone. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, SAME 14, Uppsala, Sweden, Aug 2015
Nawaz A*., Buscot F., Wubet T. Aquatic fungi: an important but a neglected component of freshwater aquifers in the Earth’s Critical Zone. IP11, Emerging Ecosystems, UFZ-Leipzig, Germany, 2015
Nawaz A., Groten K*., Baldwin I.T. A new approach to study the effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza in the field. Botanikertagung 2013, Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, Tübingen, Germany, Oct 2013
Gase K*., Schäfer M., Rahman J., Rothe E., Yon F., Joo Y., Nawaz A., Groten K., Kim S.G., Baldwin I.T. New manipulative tools to study ecological interactions in Nicotiana attenuata. ICE Symposium, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany, Sep 2013
*Präsentierender Autor
Konferenz-Beiträge (Gespräche)
Nawaz A*., Buscot F., Wubet T. Are subsurface fungal communities reflections of surface fungal communities? MiCom, 6th International Conference on Microbial Communication for Young Scientists, Jena, Germany, Mar 2017