Prof. Dr. Nurudeen Abiola Oladoja

Raum: | 1113 |
Telefon: | + |
Telefax: | + |
E-Mail: | n.oladoja(at) |
Arbeitsgruppe: | Weitergehende Wasserbehandlung und Wasser Recycling |
seit 2013 | Visiting Research Scientist, Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering, Garching, TU München |
2011 | Visiting Research Scientist, School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia |
seit 2010 | Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, Nigeria |
2009 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
2007-2010 | Lecturer I, Department of Chemistry, Adekunle Ajasin University, Nigeria |
2004-2007 | Lecturer I, Department of Chemistry, Adekunle Ajasin University, Nigeria |
2003 | Ph. D. Chemistry, University of Benin, Benin City. Nigeria, Thesis: Studies on the use of fortified clay for water and wastewater purification |
2003-2004 | Lecturer I, Department of Polymer Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, Nigeria |
2000-2003 | Lecturer II, Department of Polymer Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, Nigeria |
1996-2000 | Lecturer III, Department of Polymer Technology, Auchi Polytechnic, Nigeria |
1994 | M. Sc. Industrial Chemistry, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria |
1991-1992 | Lecturer: School of Health Technology, Kankia, Katsina State: National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) |
1991 | B.Sc. (Ed) Chemistry. University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos |
- Polymer Chemistry
- Physical Testing of Polymers
- Polymer Analysis
- Characterization and Testing
- General Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Coordination Chemistry
- Transition Metal Chemistry
- Structure and Bonding
- Environmental Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
- Polymer Chemistry
- M.Sc. and PhD degree supervision
- International Foundation for Science Research Grants (IFS) (W/4212-1)
- Chinese Academy of Sciences - Third World Academy of Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship (CAS-TWAS Postdoctoral fellowship) March 2009-Dec. 2009
- Adekunle Ajasin University Research grant Award, (2010)
- USM/TWAS Visiting Research Fellowship, Malaysia, September-October 2011
- International Foundation for Science Research Grants (IFS) (W/4212-2)
- Adekunle Ajasin University Research grant Award, April (2013)
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (2012)
- National Conf. on Environmental Management for Sustainable Human Development. October 13th – 16th, 1997. Held at Edo State University now A.A.U. Ekpoma. Paper(s) Presented: (i) Studies on On-Site system for Sewage management. (ii) An Overview of Anaerobic System for Industrial and Domestic Sludge Management.
- 25th Annual Int’l Conf. of the Chemical Society of Nigeria, held at University of Calabar Nigeria. 23rd – 27th September, 2002. Paper Presented: Application of Fortified Kaolinitic Soil-clay for Domestic Sewage Purification.
- 27th international conference of chemical society of Nigeria, Benin (2004). Paper Presented: Evaluation of the design parameters for the dynamic sorption of a basic dye from aqua medium in a fixed bed of rubber seed shell.
- 1st Faculty of Science International Conference, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Nigeria (2008). Paper Presented: Studies on the Kinetics of Biosorption of Basic Dye from Aqua System by the Sponge of Luffa Cylindrical.
- School of Applied Sciences and Technology National Conference, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi (2008). (Guest Lecturer). Paper Presented: Scientific research as a tool for sustainable development in the Nigeria.
- Stockholm International Water Institute Conference (“2010 World Water Week”), Sweden. Paper presented: On-site system for domestic wastewater pollution control in the developing World.
- N.A. Oladoja, I.O. Ololade, O.A. Alimi, T.A. Akinnifesi, G.A. Olaremu. (2013) Iron incorporated rice husk silica as a sorbent for hexavalent chromium attenuation in aqueous system. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. (
- Oladoja N. A. and Ahmad A. L. (2013). Gastropod shell as a Precursor for the Synthesis of Binary Alkali-Earth and Transition Metal Oxide for Cr (VI) Abstraction from Aqua System. Separation and Purification Technology 116 (2013) 230–239
- N. A. Oladoja, C. O. Aboluwoye, I. A. Ololade, O. L Adebayo, S. E. Olaseni, and R. O. A. Adelagun (2012). Intercalation of Gastropod Shell Derived Calcium Oxide in Clay and Application in Phosphate Removal from Aqua Medium. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012, 51 (45), pp 14637–14645
- N.A. Oladoja, I.A. Ololade, A.O. Adesina, R.O.A. Adelagun, Y.M. Sani (2012). Appraisal of gastropod shell as calcium ion source for phosphate removal and recovery in calcium phosphate minerals. Chemical Engineering Research and Design (
- Oladoja N.A. Ahmad A. Adesina O.A. Adelagun R.O.A. (2012) Low-cost Biogenic Waste for Phosphate Capture from Aqueous System, Chemical Engineering Journal 209 (2012) 170–179)
- Ololade I.A., Oladoja N. A. Lajide, L., Ololade, O. O., Ejelonu B.C., Akinnifesi T.A., Olaremu A.G. (2012). Partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in sediment and porewater from Ondo Coastal Area, Nigeria. The Environmentalist Vol.32, Issue 4, pp 363-370
- Oladoja N. A. Ololade I. A. Olaseni S.E. Olatujoye V. O. Jegede O. S. and Agunloye A. O. (2011). Synthesis of Nano Calcium Oxide from a Gastropod Shell and the Performance Evaluation for Cr (VI) Removal from Aqua System. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012, 51 (2), pp 639–648
- Oladoja, N.A. Ololade I. A. Olatujoye V. O. and Akinnifesi T. A. Performance Evaluation of Fixed Bed of Nano Calcium Oxide Synthesized from a Gastropod Shell (Achatina achatina) in Hexavalent Chromium Abstraction from Aqua System. Water Air Soil Pollution (2012) 223:1861–1876
- Isaac A. Ololade, Labunmi Lajide, Nurudeen A. Oladoja, Victor O. Olumekun, Olalekan O. Adeyemi. Occurrence and Dynamics of Hydrocarbon in Periwinkles Littorina littorea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11: 451-461 (2011)
- Oladoja, N. A. Raji, I. O. Olaseni, S. E. Onimisi, T. D. In situ hybridization of waste dyes into growing particles of calcium derivatives synthesized from a Gastropod shell (Achatina Achatina). Chemical Engineering Journal 171 (2011), pp. 941-950
- Oladoja N. A. Alliu Y. B. Ofomaja A. E. Unuabonah I. E. (2011) Synchronous Attenuation of Metal ions and Colour in Aqua Stream using Tannin - Alum Synergy. Desalination 271 34–40
- Oladoja, N. A. Aliu Y. D. and Ofomaja, A.E. (2011) Evaluation of Snail shell as coagulant aid in the alum precipitation of aniline blue from aqua system, Environmental Technology, 32(6), 639
- Unuabonah E. I. Bamidele I. Olu-Owolabi B. I. Oladoja N. A. Ofomaja A. E. Yang Z. L. (2010) Pb/Ca ion exchange on kaolinite clay modified with phosphates. J Soils Sediments (2010) 10:1103–1114
- Oladoja, N.A. Ofomaja A.E. Idiaghe, J.A Akinlabi, A.K and Egbon, E.E. Sorption of Cu (II) ion on scrap rubber tyre. Desalination and Water Treatment 16 (2010) 83–94.
- Ofomaja, A.E., Unuabonah, E.I, and Oladoja, N.A. (2010) Competitive Modeling for the biosorptive removal of Copper and Lead ions from aqueous solution by mansonia wood sawdust. Bioresource Technology 101, 3844–3852
- Ololade, I. A., Lajide, L and Oladoja, N.A. (2009). Ecological Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Streambed sediments. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 52 (5): 253 – 259.
- Oladoja, N. A. Ololade, I. A., Idiaghe, J.A and Egbon, E.E (2009). Equilibrium isotherm analysis of the sorption of congo red by palm kernel coat. Cent. Eur. J. Chem. 7(4) 760–768.
- Oladoja, N.A. and Akinlabi, A.K. (2009). Congo red biosorption on palm kernel seed coat. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48, 6188-6196
- Olaseni, S.E. Aboluwoye, C.O. Oladoja, N.A. Ige, J. Owoyomi, O. Ogunlusi, G.O (2008) Binding pattern of ferrocyphene upon interaction with cetytrimethyl ammonium bromide in the presence of urea. African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry 2 (9) 092-095
- Oladoja, N. A. Aboluwoye, C. O. Akinkugbe, A. O. (2009) Evaluation of Loofah as a sorbent in the decolourization of basic dye contaminated aqueous system. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48 (6) 2788-2794
- Oladoja, N.A. Aboluwoye, C.O and Oladimeji, Y.B (2009) Kinetics and isotherm studies on methylene blue adsorption onto ground palm kernel coat. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 33 (2009) 1-10
- Oladoja, N. A. Aliu Y. D. (2009) Snail shell as coagulant aid in the alum precipitation of malachite green from aqua system, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164 (2009) 1494-1502
- Ololade, I. A. Lajide, L. and Amoo, I.A and Oladoja, N.A.(2008). Investigation of heavy metals contamination of edible marine seafood. African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2 (12), 121-131.
- Oladoja, N.A., Asia, I. O. Aboluwoye, C.O. Oladimeji, Y. B. and Ashogbon, A. O. (2008) studies on the kinetics of basic dye sorption by rubber (hevea brasilliensis) seed shell. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences. 32, 143-152
- Oladoja, N. A. and Aliu, Y. D. (2008). Evaluation of plantain peelings ash extract as coagulant aid in the coagulation of colloidal particles in low pH aqua system. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 43 (2/3), 281-238
- Oladoja N.A. Asia, I. O. Ademoroti C.M.A. and Ogbewe O.A. (2008): Studies on the sorption of methylene blue in a fixed bed of rubber seed shell. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 3 (3), 320-332
- Oladoja, N.A. and Al-Hasan, A. Z. (2008). Rain and stormwater management and utilization as an alternative sustainable water source for rural communities in the developing countries. Water Resources Research Progresss, Liam N. Robinson (ed), Nova Publishers, New York. USA. Chapter 10, pp 261-274
- Oladoja, N.A., Aboluwoye C.O., Oladimeji, Y.B., Ashogbon, A.O., and Otemuyiwa I.O.(2006) Studies on the use of Castor Seed Shell as a Sorbent in Basic Dye Contaminated Wastewater Remediation . Desalination 227 (2008) 190-203
- Akinlabi A. K., Malomo D., Okieimen F. E., Egharevba F. and Oladoja N. A. (2007) Physico-mechanical, ageing, swelling, permeability properties and molecular transport of petroleum fuels and organic solvents through vulcanizates from thioglycollic acid modified epoxidized low molecular weight natural rubber blends prepared with different compounding mixing schemes. Journal of Polymer Materials. 24(2); 207.
- Akinlabi A. K., Okieimen F. E., Okwu U. N. and Oladoja N. A. (2007). Thermal aging properties and molecular transport of solvents through vulcanizates prepared from thioglycollic acid modified epoxidized low molecular weight natural rubber blends filled with admixtures of carbon black and carbonized rubber seed shell. Chemical Engineering Communications 194(1): 1-17 (2007).
- Akinlabi A. K., Okieimen F. E., Okwu U. N., and Oladoja N. A. Properties of vulcanizates from blends of natural rubber and thioglycollic acid modified epoxidized low molecular weight natural rubber filled with carbonized rubber seed shell. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 104(5): 2830-2838 (2007)
- Akinlabi A. K., Malomo D., Okieimen F. E., Egharevba F. and Oladoja N. A. (2007). Influence of mixing schemes on aging and permeability of ketones through vulcanizates from low molecular weight natural rubber blends. ‘Progress in Rubber, Plastics & Recycling Technology by Rapra Technology Ltd UK. 23(2):135 – 152
- Asia, I. O. Oladoja, N. A. and Bamuza-Pemu, E. E. (2006). Treatment of textile sludge using anaerobic technology. African Journal of Biotechnology, 5 (18), 1678-1683
- Oladoja N.A, Ademoroti C.M.A. and Asia, I.O. (2006): Treatment of Industrial Effluent using Fortified Soil Clay, Desalination 197, 247-261.
- Oladoja N.A. Ofomaja A.E. and Ebare E. (2006): Evaluation of sorption capacity of scrap tyre in the removal of copper (II) ion from aqua system. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 49 (6), 400-406.
- Oladoja N.A and Ademoroti, C.M.A. Idiaghe J.A and Oketola A.A. (2006): Column treatment of Brewery wastewater using Clay Fortified with stone pebbles. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 49 (1) Jan/Feb.
- Oladoja N.A and Ademoroti, C.M.A (2006): The use of Fortified Soil-Clay as on-site System for Domestic Wastewater Purification. Water Research. 40, (3), 613-620
- Oladoja N.A. and Asia, I.O. (2006): Studies on the Use of Fortified Kaolinitic Soil – Clay in Industrial Effluent Purification. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 40. 4. 500 -509.
- Ofomaja, A.E., Unuabonah, J.E., and Oladoja, N.A. (2005) Removal of Lead from aqueous solution by palm kernel fiber. South African Journal of Chemistry. 58, 127-130.
- Oladoja, N.A., Ademoroti C.M.A. and Ogbewe O.A. (2004) Evaluation of the design parameters for the dynamic sorption of a basic dye from aqua medium in a fixed bed of rubber seed shell. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of Chemical Society of Nigeria. (a supplement of Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria).
- Oladoja N.A. Asia.I.O. and Akporhonor, E.E (2004) Treatment of Textile wastewater using fortified clay column .Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences Research.2. (1). 53-64
- Okieimen, F.E. Akinlabi, A.K. Aigbodion, A.I. Oladoja, N.A and Bakare, I.O. (2003) Effects of epoxidised low molecular weight natural rubber on the processability and vulcanizate properties of natural rubber. Nig. Jour. of polymer Sci. and Technol. 3 (1), 223-228
- Oladoja N. A. and Agbonghale, F. (2003): Inventorization of the Quality Characteristics of Groundwater in Etsako West, Nigeria. African Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 1 & 2 pp 123-127.
- Asia, I. O. and N. A. Oladoja (2003). Determination of Optimum Dosage of Chemical Coagulants/Flocculants Needed for Sludge Treatment. Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Vol.10 No.3 pp 5031- 5043
- Oladoja N. A. and Idiaghe, J. A. (1999): Groundwater Resource Utilization and Management in developing Countries. National Engineering conf. series. Vol. 6 No. 1 pp 16-18 published by Croxings Nig. Ltd. Kaduna, Nigeria.