Dr. Christophoros Christophoridis

Room: | 1129 |
Phone: | + |
Telefax: | + |
e-mail: | cchrist(at)chem.auth.gr |
Workgroup: | Analytical Research Group |
Curriculum Vitae
2012-2013 | Post-Doc (DAAD scholarship) at Technical University of Munich, Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering, Garching. Dr. Thomas Letzel specializing in ”Remediation pathway of selected pharmaceutical compounds using Reductive/Oxidative methods.” |
2012 | Post-Doc (Research Committee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Scholarship) with Prof Dr Fytianos Konstantinos specializing in: “Evaluation of oxidizing and reductive methods for the decomposition and transformation of selected pharmaceuticals in environmental samples. Determination of precursors and by-products by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Assessment of acute and chronic toxicity of environmental samples.” |
2011-2012 | Army duty |
2005-2011 | PhD in Environmental Chemistry, specializing in the field of groundwater remediation from specific toxic pollutants with the use of permeable reactive barriers. |
2002-2004 | MSc in Environmental Chemistry, Faculty of Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry Department, School of Natural Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. |
1997-2001 | Degree in Chemistry, Faculty of Physical, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. |
- DAAD Scholarship for short research stay in Germany (4 months) 1.12.2012 – 31.3.2013 “specializing in: ”Remediation pathway of selected pharmaceutical compounds using Reductive/Oxidative methods” Technical University of Munich, Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering, Garching. Dr. Thomas Letzel.
- Honourable scholarship by the Research Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for a 10-month post-doc program (1.1.2012- 1.10.2012) titled: “Evaluation of oxidizing and reductive methods for the decomposition and transformation of selected pharmaceuticals in environmental samples. Determination of precursors and by-products by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Assessment of acute and chronic toxicity of environmental samples.”
- Selection to attend the 59th Nobel Laureates Meeting, Lindau Germany and further participation in the group of the 20 best students to attend the post-conference tour to the research centers of South Germany (7 Greek students worldwide), 2009
- Ecological Sensitivity Award “Ecopolis” for the study: Applications of various reactive material in groundwater remediation, 2007
- Scholarship of the Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for the Research Activity, 2006-2007
- Scholarship of Onassis Foundation for PhD Dissertation, 2005-2009
- Success in the national examination of the National Institute of Scholarships for the MSc annual scholarship at the topic of Environmental Chemistry, 2002-2003
- Annual scholarships of the National Institute of Scholarships for excellence in all the years of Undergraduate studies, 1997-2000
- Christophoridis, C., Letzel T., (2012) “Degradation pathways of benzodiazepine pharmaceuticals under various environmental matrices and conditions” to be submitted for review
- Christia, C., Christophoridis, C, Bizani, E., Fytianos, K., “Determination and occurrence of 250 pesticides in fruit and vegetable samples originating from N. Greece, using QUECHERS and LC-MS/MS instrumentation. under review Science of the total Environment
- Kalogridi, C., Drimaropoulou, V., Christophoridis, C., Bizani, E., Fytianos, K. “Temporal and spatial distribution of multiclass pesticide residues in lake sediments of Northern Greece: Application of an optimized SPE-UPLC-MS/MS pretreatment and analytical method – PART II ”, under review Science of the total Environment
- Kalogridi, C., Drimaropoulou, V., Christophoridis, C., Bizani, E., Fytianos, K. “Temporal and spatial distribution of multiclass pesticide residues in lake waters of Northern Greece: Application of an optimized SPE-UPLC-MS/MS pretreatment and analytical method – PART I”, under review Science of the total Environment
- Mitsika, E., Christophoridis, C., Fytianos, K., “Parameters affecting the kinetic behavior Fenton and fenton-like degradation of acetamiprid in ground and surface water. Determination of by-products using lc-ms/ms and toxicity assessments. Chemosphere, under review
- Zacharis CK, Christophoridis C, Fytianos K. (2012) Vortex-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of organophosphate pesticides in environmental water samples and wines. J Sep Sci. 2012 Aug 15. doi: 10.1002/jssc.201200309. [Epub ahead of print]
- Giouri, A., Vavelidis, M., Melfos, V., Christophoridis, C., 2010, Geochemical study of the Bogdanas river waters at the Assiros-Lagada area, Northern Greece. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 11 (2), 424-433
- Christophoridis, C., Dedepsidis, D., Fytianos, K. 2009, Occurrence and distribution of selected heavy metals in the surface sediments of Thermaikos Gulf, N. Greece. Assessment using pollution indicators.” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168, 1082-1091.
- Evgenidou, E., Bizani, E., Christophoridis, C., Fytianos, K., 2007, Heterogenous photocatalytic degradation of prometryn in aqueous solutions under UV-Vis Irradiation. Chemosphere, 68, 1877-1882.
- Christophoridis, C., Fytianos, K., 2006, Study of the conditions affecting the release of phosphorus from surface sediments of lakes Koronia and Volvi. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35: 1181-1192.
- Fytianos, K. Christophoridis, C. 2004, Nitrate, arsenic and chloride pollution of drinking water in Northern Greece. Elaboration by applying GIS, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 93: 55-67, 2004.
- C. Christophoridis, E. Bizani and K. Fytianos. Agricultural and Environmental Informatics, Governance, and Management: Emerging Research Applications. Chapter : Environmental quality monitoring, using GIS as a tool of visualization, management and decision-making. Applications emerging from the EU Water Framework Directive EU 2000/60. IGI Global. 2011
- D. Lambropoulou, E. Evgenidou, C. Christophoridis, E. Bizani and K. Fytianos. Flame Retardants. Chapter 17.. in Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Food, L.M.L. Nollet (Ed.), Wiley-Black 2011