Natalie Páez Curtidor, M. Sc.









Drainage systems

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2021

Research Assistant
Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering

Technical University of Munich, Germany


Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Environmental Engineering

Technical University of Munich, Germany

2019 – 2021

Working student at the Water Laboratory
Stadtwerke München GmbH

2018 – 2021

Student assistant

Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering

Technical University of Munich, Germany

2018 – 2021

Studies of Environmental Engineering

Technical University of Munich, Germany

2017 – 2018

Quality engineer

AGP Glass Colombia, S.A., Kolumbien

2017 – 2018

Volunteer research assistant

Air Quality Research Group of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (part-time)

2017 – 2018

Volunteer research assistant

Environmental Conflicts Observatory of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (part-time)


Engineer's Degree

Chemical Engineering

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Columbia


Process intern

Tocancipá Brewery, Bavaria S.A (AB InBev), Colombia


Sustainability Relations Intern

2014 – 2015 Exchange student
Technical University of Munich, Germany
2010 – 2016

Studies of Chemical Engineering

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Columbia



Conference Papers / Poster

  • Páez-Curtidor, Natalie; Porter, Lauren; Helmreich, Brigitte: Insights on the pollutant removal resilience and implications on the hydraulic conductivity of biochar amendments in bioswales. 16th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage, 2024 more… BibTeX


Conference Papers / Poster

  • Páez-Curtidor, Natalie; Helmreich, Brigitte: Implementing biochar and compost as organic amendments for improved pollutant removal in bioswales. 11th International Conference on urban water - NOVATECH, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Páez-Curtidor, Natalie; Porter, Lauren; Berger, Nadja; Egerer, Monika; Helmreich, Brigitte: Interdisziplinäre Forschung zur Entwicklung optimierter Versickerungsmulden: Verbesserung der Boden- und Pflanzengemeinschaften in einem Mesokosmos-Experiment. Aqua Urbanica 2023, 2023 more… BibTeX


Journal Articles

  • Páez-Curtidor, Natalie; Keilmann-Gondhalekar, Daphne; Drewes, Jörg E.: Application of the Water–Energy–Food Nexus Approach to the Climate-Resilient Water Safety Plan of Leh Town, India. Sustainability 13 (19), 2021, 10550 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )

Other conference papers / poster

Martínez, L.A., Cuellar, Y., Páez, N., Pedraza, J.I., Belalcazar, L.C. (2019). “Carbon footprint of commercial forest plantations (Eucaliptus grandis and Pinus patula) in Colombia”. 3rd World Summit on Climate Change and Global Warming, Prague, Czech Republic.

Páez, N., Cuellar, Y., Buitrago, R., Belalcazar, L.C. (2017). “Life cycle analysis of the operation of cargo vehicles in Bogotá with different maintenance and driving conditions”. VI Congreso Colombiano y Conferencia Internacional de Calidad del Aire y Salud Pública-CASAP 2017, Cali, Colombia.