Accompanying research Hochwildehaus (DAV) – Optimizing the environmental impact of the planned new replacement building

Project duration
08/2014 - 12/2015

Funding organization
German Alpine Association (Deutscher Alpenverein, DAV), Karlsruhe division

Project partners
German Alpine Association (Deutscher Alpenverein, DAV), Karlsruhe division

Most of the 326 lodges of the German Alpine Association (Deutscher Alpenverein, DAV) are 100 or more years old, so replacement buildings will be of continued topicality in the future, especially in the light of climate change. By constructing a replacement for the Hochwildehaus lodge, the DAV wants to create a lighthouse project that is to serve as a best practice example of eco-friendly Alpine lodge construction and operation. Besides accompanying the construction of the replacement building for Hochwildehaus, the research project aims to make fundamental statements on the environmental impact of Alpine shelters that can be used for the benefit of other replacement buildings or adapted to retrofit projects and expansions of Alpine buildings.