Studentische Arbeiten
Wir freuen uns sehr, Studierende im Rahmen von Bachelor-, Master- oder Studienarbeiten in unsere aktuellen Forschungsprojekte zu integrieren. Sie können sich für Anfragen oder Diskussionen über perspektivische Themen direkt an den für Ihr Interessensgebiet zuständigen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren.
CLIMATE-SMART WATER ALLOCATION: Demonstrating a Next-Generation Decision Support System (DSS) for Climate-Resilient Management in Central Asia's Transboundary Rivers
Contact: Dr. Jingshui Huang, M.Sc. Timo Schaffhauser, M.Sc. Lucas Alcamo
UNMANNED AIRBORNE WATER OBSERVING SYSTEM: Airborne and contactless hydrometric sensing technology to inform climate change adaptation, flood risk assessment and surveillance/management of extreme hydrologic events in remote, hard-to-reach and poorly monitored rivers.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Markus Disse, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Chiogna, M.Sc. Fabian Merk
REsilienT water gOvernance Under climate CHange within the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: Promotion of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus as a multi-level and cross-sectoral approach that advocates the EU water economy and relies on ecological and social considerations.
Contact: Dr. Jingshui Huang, M.Sc. Nicole Tatjana Scherer
Impact of surface water management on groundwater quality in Alpine catchments: Investigates how surface water management in Alpine catchments are affected by strong anthropogenic impacts controls subsurface flow at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Contact: Dr.-Ing Monica Basilio Hazas
Sensitivity of high Alpine geosystems to climate change since 1850. Impact of climate change on groundwater storage in high Alpine catchments: from observation to model predictions.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Chiogna, Prof. Dr. Bettina Schaefli, Dr.-Ing. Florentin Hofmeister, Dipl.-Geoökol. Michael Tarantik
RObust Conceptualisation of KArst Transport: Development a coupled robust conceptualization of discharge and transport in karst systems based on the representation of the hydrological processes in the different karst compartments, i.e. epikarst, matrix and conduit system.
Contact: M.Sc. Beatrice Richieri
Innovative Engineering Injection Extraction systems for in-situ groundwater remediation: From model- and laboratory-based evidence to stakeholder involvement.
Contact: M.Sc. Francesca Ziliotto
Current and future risks of urban and rural flooding in West Africa – An integrated analysis and eco-system-based solutions: Extreme precipitation and flooding is a major hazard in West Africa, particularly in the densely populated Guinea coastal zone.
Contact: M.Sc. Fabian Merk
TUM Sustainable Energies, Entrepreneurship and Development (TUM SEED) Center: Sustainable Water Resources Management. Irrigation development is one key factor within IWRM, it is seen as a major leverage to rural development, food security, livelihoods, and agricultural and economic growth, particularly in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region.
Contact: M.Sc. Pablo Sarmiento
Comparison of surface runoff, nutrient and material mobilization and erosion through heavy precipitation of agricultural areas: Designing an innovative, long-term, high-resolution measurement field at the Bavarian Agricultural Institute in Lower Bavaria.
Contact: M.Sc. Johannes Mitterer
Improved groundwater formation and water quality through solar parks.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Markus Disse, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Chiogna
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