
Digital Exhibition of the City Indicator Project

The City Indicator Project is part of the Sustainable Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning Module (WS 2020/21), attended by master level students. In this digital exhibition, we bring together information about the project structure and the final outcomes, summarized by students in a poster format.

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About the project:


25 cities from all around the world. How sustainable are they really?

What does the sustainable city of the future look like?

With the help of key performance indicators, each team has researched the status quo of a city in different sectors: urban planning, green infrastructure, mobility, energy, water, and waste. Besides those criteria, they also looked into crucial aspects such as environmental quality, climate hazards and disaster risk, health, education, happiness, equality, or governance.

Their vision: how to achieve sustainable development that provides both quality of life for all and a positive ecological footprint.